Free Yourself from Too Much Stuff Part 1 of 5
Lee Milteer
Business & Life Strategist, Internationally Acclaimed Speaker, TV+Radio Personality, Award Winning BEST Selling Author
Success and the Law of Vacuum
A couple of months ago I sold my commercial office building of 16 years. I was faced with the daunting task of paring down 16 years of files and the contents of six rooms, many closets, and a storage shed to fit in my new office, which is exactly half as big.
I was stunned by the reality that most staff are afraid to throw anything away, not only physically but online. There were very few things I could delegate since no one really had a big picture of the end result but me and could make important keep-or-release decisions. I will admit it took many months and weekends of me going through every file, and reviewing the importance of furniture, equipment, supplies, and whatnot.
I was able to literally cut my space in half and remove hundreds of pounds of paper, files, unneeded furniture, and old equipment. I now have a much more effective and efficient office space, where everything is up to date and easy to find. I learned a lot of great lessons which I am going to share with you in this 5-part series, Free Yourself from Too Much Stuff!! I not only suggest you involve your family at home to get on board with some of these lessons, but also your coworkers. I felt a profound sense of relief, freeing myself from THE PAST and all the trouble, care, and worry that had attached itself to my really old stuff.
Take an inventory of your Life-Giving items and Life-Draining items. Physically, your old stuff needs to be stored, cleaned, and insured – draining you of time and energy you could be using to pursue happiness. Mentally, all this stuff takes up burdensome space in your subconscious mind. Less stuff = more time, energy, and less stress! Less stuff = peace of mind, major breakthroughs in solutions, ideas, new ways to make more income.
Strategy for Creating Prosperity
Get rid of what you don’t want in your life to make room for what you do want. It is said that: NATURE ABHORS A VACUUM. To have the opportunity to attract what you do want – such as a better relationship, or more abundance – you must make room for your desires to manifest.
No matter what your economic status, no doubt there are many possessions that you’re not using, which are just cluttering up your life, home, and office. “Things” have a way of piling up as life goes on, and before you know it you are burdened with a space that no longer feels or looks good. It’s liberating to GET RID OF IT. Donate to charity. Drag larger items out the curb – you’ll be surprised at how quickly it disappears!
Keep in mind that when you give yourself permission to let go of “stuff” it paves the way for growth. You can remove this chaos by being honest with yourself. Take back control of your world by letting stuff go that is not working, needs fixing, is outdated, or has no meaning to you. Release all this stuff that robs you of time and energy!
If you’re living in fear of lack and tightly holding on to everything – your material possessions, your time, your love, your energy or ideas – you’re shutting yourself off from the flow of life. When you dam up a stream, the water becomes stagnant. When you close off your life, you become stagnant. The more unwanted things clutter your life, the less room there will be for wanted things to appear.
A great universal secret of prosperity is passing along to others those things you no longer need. The more things you give away – and this also goes for the more love, appreciation, and praise you give away – the world will surprise you by increasing your prosperity in all areas of your life.
When you move things, people, or situations that no longer serve you out of your life, you’re clearing the way for what you do want. It’s difficult to know what you do want until you get rid of what you don’t want, or what is no longer working. I SUGGEST you create a sign from this motto:
If it doesn’t serve a purpose, have meaning or monetary value—out it must go!
I suggest starting off small. Create a spot in your daily schedule where you could pick a drawer of some kind and just clean it out. Throw away unusable items and donate what you don’t need. Just 15 minutes at the start or end of your day. You’ll see great progress in a short time.
I also schedule with my staff and family a get-together-and-throw-away day once a month. WE all take a few hours to pick a closet, workspace, bedroom, garage to focus on, to get in the mindset of less is more. Here are some tips to help you get started with this on-going project:
1. Have big baskets, bins, or large strong boxes at the ready. Label them STORAGE, SELL, DONATE, THROW AWAY, and RECYCLE.
2. Stand up while going through items as much as possible or you will find yourself going down rabbit holes reading things and getting distracted.
3. Put a timer on for at least 15 minutes or more and inform everyone you are busy freeing your life from Life-Draining items.
4. Have Fun! I have a Game you can play, so stay tuned for that.
Happy Releasing!
Up Next: Part 2 of Free Yourself from Too Much Stuff
Lee Milteer
Performance and Productivity Coach
Millionaire Smarts Coach
Overcoming Unproductive Behaviors is On Sale for 50% off during May PLUS FREE SHIPPING. Click here to find out what others say about the program that helped them replace bad habits with new, productive ones, putting them on the path to their lifestyle goals.
P.S.P.S. Sign up for some one-on-one coaching with Lee to achieve your big Life Goals! For more information visit our coaching web page at, or email [email protected]. Lee is also available to speak at your virtual or live events, contact us for booking details.