Free Yourself From Fear!
Antares Maitreya
Kundalini Activator at Padmasambhava Yoniversity & Manager of The Fusion Longhouse
Thirty-seven years have elapsed since Operation Lalang when Dr M (in his capacity as Home Affairs Minister) used the Internal Security Act (ISA) to arrest 108 people and detain them without trial - some for up to two years. Several newspapers were shut down and the shadow of fear fell upon the entire country. Those were dark days indeed, and Malaysia has never fully recovered from that trauma.
Police brutality, violent suppression of public dissent, the rule of fear. These are nightmare realities to be banished from the present and the future. Rather than wallow in images of oppression and authoritarian government, let's focus instead on images of beauty, freedom, and a mass awakening to joyful realities that transcend the quotidian world of foul-smelling politics.
The power of the imagination when aligned with the heart - and the will to consciously co-create heaven on earth - cannot be underestimated. Never allow your dreams to be hijacked and turned into nightmares by benighted souls who feed vampire-like off your weaknesses. Stay centered in the heart and don't let your mind be clouded by anxiety and other people's opinions.
Turn off that TV and if you have to buy newspapers, read only the comics. Truth is, newspapers are good for only three things: wrapping fish, lining the bottom of birdcages, and lighting bonfires. Declare independence from all ideologies, liberate your body from the dictates of petty-minded patriarchs. Follow your bliss and hurl yourself wholeheartedly into everything that's fun!
This blogpost is dedicated to the fearless souls who cherish freedom above creature comforts - and who have dedicated their lives to walking their talk and embodying their own ideals. The Earth is a living being, indeed she is the symbol of the Sacred Feminine so perfectly reflected in Nature's beauty.
Take time out to chat for hours with your buddies in coffee shops. Take your dog for a long run on the beach. Watch Tom & Jerry cartoons with your kids. Just laugh out loud every time a control-freak politician or bureaucrat opens his big fat mouth in public. Spare them as little energy or attention as possible. They are mostly a bunch of greedy and vicious parasites - the world will be a happier, healthier place without them.
Listen to your own heartbeat... and you will hear the music of the spheres! Transcend. Ascend. You are Infinite Potential incarnate!
Be it so.
[First published 27 October 2007]