Free is not worthless
As I use Chatgpt to get a quick and insightful premise for this writeup, I realize how far the world has come, in terms of the quality of free resources available for use and consumption by any citizen of the world no discrimination or prejudice, notice I used the phrase insightful premise in the first sentence of this paragraph, yes I did intending to let you know that although Chatgpt is a tool that can produce your work without any stress, doesn't mean you abuse the intentions of the creator, it is a tool that aids us to be faster and better not a crutch.?
Okay back to my main reason for writing, as the topic says free is not worthless, indeed this statement is correct in all its entirety. “....Many of life’s most essential gifts come to us free of charge: the sunshine, air, and rain. This doesn’t suggest we should take them for granted, but instead, we should appreciate and value them. Similarly, today we have access to a wealth of free resources such as articles, courses, workshops, conferences, scholarships, and fellowships. The choice is ours to either overlook these opportunities, thereby missing the benefits they can bring to our lives and careers, or to appreciate them and use them as tools to enhance our personal and professional growth.”...…. Peter Ayeni.
I've always been a person that values products labeled with a price tag, I would even go for a more priced product to its lesser priced counterpart. But when I encountered the ALX software engineering program thanks to my friend and colleague Johnkennedy Ogu , my mentor as I fondly call him. I was a bit skeptical about the program because it was? free, you see I had recently paid a huge some for another online course 4 months earlier, I felt when a creator makes a product of rich value, he/she usually labels that product with a price tag, my logic was seriously flawed in this situation, when I was accepted into the program I said “I would just look through their curriculum and see if it would just use it as past time” was I wrong. I found the curriculum to be the most comprehensive software engineering resource I had come across, and I don't say that lightly. I always tell John Kennedy “wow this ALX program is rich. How can they give this for free, you have roped me in now I am hooked, I can't leave this program until I finish”.?
I won't say the year long journey was easy, on the contrary I was exhausted so many times and almost quit, the programme is no work in the park, when you see the requirement of 70 hours a week, without a doubt be sure you have to put in lots of hours to be a master at the program. From sleepless nights to all day in front of my computer, I would say it was worth it, I came out better and stronger.?
As I end this writeup, I encourage anyone reading this article don't take the plethora of free resources available online for granted, this generation is a blessed generation only if we can focus, and in the words of Fred Swaniker "do hard things", thanks once again alx_africa , Fred Swaniker , Julien Barbier and all the facilitators and mentors of the program, may God richly bless you as I have been blessed by you.