Free Worship Presentation Software for your Church.
Technologies For Worship Magazine helps houses of worship to be aware of products/services that assist them in making their service come alive.
I have been made aware of the presentation software below that is FREE to houses of worship and because it is free they are reluctant to give it a try.
If you are in need of a presentation software of wanting to change from what your using give OpenLP a try and let me know what you think.
Open Source -
OpenLP is an open-source presentation platform created for use in churches large and small. Say good-bye to the hassle of subscription costs and device platforms; this software offers a wide variety of features that will greatly benefit your worship service.
But what does open-source mean? It means that the code that the developers write is available to you. But more than that, it means that OpenLP is, and always will be, free. Free to download, free to use, and free to give to all your friends. Being open-source also means that the developers are continuously working to improve this application, and welcome any comments or questions users may have.