Free Workplace Hearing Testing
Could your workers benefit from free hearing screenings?
As an added value to our recently promoted Health Expo we have teamed up with AudioClinic to provide your employees a special bonus of free hearing screenings during the Super Health Expo*. Each screening lasts for 10 minutes and those identified at high risk will be offered a free follow up hearing assessment and advice.
Our Super Health Expo special offer has had an overwhelming response, as a result we are extending the offer until the end of October 2017 making it a perfect addition to Safe Work Australia Month or your end of year health promotion activities .
With prizes, interactive displays and health checks the whole workforce can take part. For all the details just click on the link to the flyer: Health Expo Offer
Also feel free to reach out if we could help with any other ideas for Safe Work Australia Month, October 2017.
Warm Regards
Leanne Scanes