Free webinar: Watch major salmon sellers, buyers talk coronavirus market impact
Executives from big salmon suppliers and buyers will convene on May 7 to discuss the EU and US market outlook in the coronavirus pandemic on a free webinar from Undercurrent News.
The webinar, which will start at 4pm GMT (5pm CEST, 11am EDT, 8am PDT) and run for 60-75 minutes, will start with a presentation from SpareBank Markets 1's Thomas Myrholt on the salmon price, supply and market outlook.
Then, we will have a discussion take place between executives from Atlantic Sapphire/Platina Seafood, Blumar, Cermaq Group, Milarex and Santa Monica Seafood.
Arild Akre and Daniel Montoya, sales directors of Cermaq and Blumar, respectively, will give the perspective of major salmon suppliers on how the global COVID-19 outbreak is impacting their businesses.
Thomas Farstad, CEO of Milarex, will provide a viewpoint from one of the largest salmon processors in Europe. Giving the perspective of a US processor will be Louis Anello, Santa Monica’s vice president of purchasing. Damien Claire, CEO of the US arm of Norway’s Platina, will also give his thoughts on the North American market impact.
Also, Claire will handle the sales of the giant land-based Atlantic Sapphire farm in Florida when this starts up later this year. So, he can also give a viewpoint on the outlook for land-based salmon farming in a coronavirus-dominated world.
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