Free Webinar: COVID-19 Impacts on the Not-for-profit Sector: Leveraging Data Assets for Resilience

Free Webinar: COVID-19 Impacts on the Not-for-profit Sector: Leveraging Data Assets for Resilience

RMIT School of Accounting is hosting a webinar next week (9am to 10.15June 11) on "COVID-19 Impacts on the Not-For-Profit Sector: Leveraging Data Assets for Resilience" with Prof. David Gilchrist (The University of Western Australia), Vinita Godinho (Financial Resilience Australia) and Mel Yates (Australian Charity and Not-for-profit Commission).

The link to boo your place for this free webinar is provided below. Please cut and paste the link into your internet browser if it does not take you to the site when you click on it.

Thanks to Professor Nava Subramaniam (RMIT) for organising this great event and looking forward to contributing.


