Free Uncontended Business Data Connectivity
Derek Shannon
Company Director at Multi Award Winning & Trusted Provider, MRD Technologies LTD | 42 Under 42 Entrepreneurs of the year 2021 |
Data Connectivity is now as important as it has ever been
Lots of applications like Salesforce, Sage, Microsoft 365 are now all cloud based and hosted off site
What this means is data bandwidth, availability and speed is crucial for all businesses who operate services across Internet
We have teamed up with local councils as part of the BDUK scheme and are currently talking to local companies about our free uncontended data solution which is included as part of your ISDN30 or SIP services.
Technical information attached
There is also funding available of up to £3000.00 for all business’s making improvements to their communication and data services
Every business is always looking to increase bottom line, become more efficient and reduce cost and this product ticks them boxes
If you would like to know more then please call me directly to discuss on 01925 467543 or email me to potentially schedule a free appointment,
Thanks again
Derek Shannon
Business Sales Manager