Free Time Exploitation
Not Enough Time
It never ceases to amaze me how much time I can easily waste. For someone like me, whose time is precious, you would think that I had a to-do list, crammed with all sorts of things I would like - or need - to get done. Not so.
I hate to admit it, but once I got into the mode of always being on the move, in an attempt to stay ahead of the chores, I let go some of my own time to accommodate. Big mistake. BIG. MISTAKE. In relinquishing my own time, I lost the motivation also. And I replaed it with a video game.
The Lure of Video Games
It never crossed my mind to play, that is, until a friend mentioned it casually. One word. And I was already hooked. It would take almost 15 minutes to play one game and that's where my time went. There was nothing wrong with the video game, only my mistake to abuse it.
Tetris had always been a very attractive game for me, even back in the 1990s. There's something satisfying about making the pieces fit into each other and trying to coordinate decisions with increased falling speeds.
However, in the end, I have no progress or product to show for. While some video games are excellent for developing hand-eye coordination and brain development with decision-making, there appears to be a lack of physical results.
Unless I can figure out how to integrate my hand-eye coordination and brain development with household duties, video games become a time-waster. Add to that, the constant usage is hard on the eyes - and brain - from the constant activity it generates.
Life is great online, but it doesn't get the household chores done. Not everything can be virtual when it comes to facilitating another's needs. Everything has its time and place. Caregiving is a hands-on, attentive activity that interacts with a generation who isn't digitally attached.
I realized that I was exploiting video games and I needed to stop myself before I got too far....
Setting Boundaries
Well, yes, tetris got out of hand for me. I started to replace my sleeping hours with it. It seemed more exciting to stay up later and play than it was to get my much needed sleep. I noticed that I could sleep straight for more than 3 hours at a time.
I already struggled with sleep deprivation with the constant night shifts, but to play a video game was adding insult to injury. I needed to set some boundaries for myself before anyone else did for me.
My limit was three games throughout a 24-hour period.
It worked. I enjoyed it so much that I treasured the time and chose carefully when I could play. A simple boundary brought structure back into my life. I made the choice to apply some self-control. Staying committed to my boundary helped me keep my focus where it needed to be.
Concluding Thoughts
It's easy to get caught up in the thrill of escaping the monotony of daily life. I don't blame you for wanting some spontaneity and a splash of vivid colors to brighten your day. However, even too much of a good thing can become a bad thing.
Exploiting your time is very tempting, but not wise. To help you stay on track, set boundaries for yourself, and for those you care for. Just as you expect others to respect your boundaries, also expect yourself to do the same.