"About Free Will" is a thought-provoking and philosophically insightful poem that delves into free will and its relationship || Ricardo Derose

"About Free Will" is a thought-provoking and philosophically insightful poem that delves into free will and its relationship || Ricardo Derose

Ricardo Derose's "About Free Will" is a thought-provoking and philosophically insightful poem that delves into free will and its relationship with authority structures. The verse emphasizes the significance of preserving individual autonomy and questions how institutions may suppress personal freedom and critical thinking.

The poem begins by drawing attention to religious and military contexts, where questioning authority is discouraged or punished. Derose highlights the inherent contradiction in these situations, where individuals are urged to submit themselves to higher powers, divine or hierarchical, without exercising their capacity for reason and judgment.

The second stanza reinforces the notion that depriving someone of their free will is a form of oppression. By drawing a parallel between the suppression of free will and the punishment of enslaved people for disobedience, Derose underscores the importance of personal autonomy as a fundamental aspect of human dignity and liberty. The poem argues that suppressing one's free will is inherently unjust and goes against the essence of what it means to be a free individual.

In conclusion, Ricardo Derose's "About Free Will" explores the importance of preserving personal autonomy and the right to question authority. The poem is a powerful critique of institutional structures that seek to stifle individual freedom and critical thinking.?

Through this reflection, Derose encourages readers to recognize the value of free will as an essential component of human dignity and to resist the forces that seek to constrain it. This message urges us to embrace our autonomy and challenge authority when necessary to live a life of true liberty and self-determination.

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