Free Will, Success and More Love
Toby LaVigne
YPO | Guide and Outfitter for Freedom - Executive coach specializing in Industrial Exec Leadership Development and next-gen professional development (A-Players)
God is a purely benevolent force that created earth and everything about it; we call that force, love. Love is the ultimate success and the expression of love is THE whole point of life. Or to put it another way, our purpose here on earth is to discover and refine our God given purpose, our means of expressing love to others, and to give it. That’s our real full time job at home and at work. There is no place or time where this is not our job.
But if that’s so, why don’t we see that every where every day?
Answer: Free Will and the fear of tribal rejection.
God gave us free will so that we could experience love. God could have programmed us to love all the time, but if that were the case, if we were programed to love without choice, then it wouldn’t be love would it? The paradox of the human experience is that love, the greatest feeling humanly imaginable, can only be experienced in a world where rejection and other pains are also present.
We are tribal beings who are hardwired to depend upon each other for our survival. Our concern for tribal acceptance isn’t just emotional, it’s biological. When we fear tribal rejection, and let’s be honest life presents lots of opportunities to fear tribal rejection, we can feel anxious and we can become more concerned for our immediate “safety” than we are for anything else. We can “forget” about love and withdraw internally like a ground hog into it’s hole or lash out like a mountain lion desperate to regain control or run like an elk from a predator.
But the amazing thing about being human, is our Free Will to choose love over fear. And the great news is that the choice to love happens to be the antidote to ALL of our fears. When we contribute our God given purpose, we give our biology something positive to focus on, and our anxiety immediately decreases. Again this isn’t psychology, this is biology. This is how God made us. It’s a beautiful design if you stop to think about it.
When we get up each day we can use our free will to give love through our God given purpose or we can choose to indulge in our anxiety. Now I’m not saying that this is any easier than facing other physical fears like defending yourself against a bad guy or dealing with heights or steering your car out of a skid, but we can train ourselves to respond better and better. We can train ourselves like martial artists to have a different reaction when confronted with what feels like a literal physical attack. We can choose to use and build our purpose for the good of others, and in so doing experience true success -