Free Ride To The Moon
Dr Kadiyali Srivatsa
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Are you excited about Chandrayana3 landing on the moon and think of it as a great achievement? Read this article, step out of the box, and think. It's not our lives, but the lives of our children, not grandchildren I am talking about, what will happen on this planet by 2050, and agree with what Issac Nuton predicted will happen in 2060.?
You may not know we are living in an ocean surrounded by life we cannot see. This is Maya, the veil of illusion that prevents you from seeing what I see. People who proved my hypothesis "the world is not real" were honoured with the Nobel Prize" this year.
Watching the eyes of the tigers, leopards, bison, deers, mangoes, wild pigs, elephants in Bandipur, Karnataka, India and the thousands of birds in Ranganthittu, I realised we humans are not fortunate to live in a free world. Chasing wealth we have surrendered our free will to evil people, and watched them without doing anything. This article I hope will make you stop believing the lies, seek the truth and know the truth.
More than 76% of the space around us is colonized with viruses, bacteria, fungal spores, and trillions of organisms that we have not yet discovered. So the space shuttle, rockets and the astronauts are colonized with these living organisms, and so enter space and land on the moon and Mars.?
What happens to bacteria, viruses and fungus on rockets that land on Mars and the moon? Do they survive, adapt and colonize Mars and the moon? And how they behave after they return to Earth.
According to an article from BBC Future, NASA and engineers have precise and thorough protocols to minimize the number of organisms that might inadvertently hitchhike on a space mission. How can we prevent these bugs from colonising in and on these space shuttles, knowing Antimicrobial resistance is now a major problem in hospitals and health centres? Hospital equipment, furniture, and walls are colonised with bacteria and fungi we cannot kill.
NASA scientists agree that zero biomass on a spacecraft is almost impossible. Microbes have been on Earth for billions of years and are everywhere. They are inside us, on our bodies, and all around us. They are the first living cells that evolved and created plants and animals, including us.
Can bacteria survive in space?
According to an article from Interesting Engineering, NASA conducted studies on bacteria to find out how they can survive in harsh conditions in an area. The answer lies in the anatomy of certain bacteria, whose unique characteristics allow them to stay in a vacuum without getting destroyed. The spores of Bacillus pumilus SAFR-032 can withstand UV radiation and hydrogen peroxide treatments.?This can help the bacteria to survive in harsh conditions.
CNN reports that previous studies have suggested that bacteria, known as lithopanspermia, could survive longer in space if they were shielded by rock.?However, this study has shown that bacteria aggregates or colonies can survive in massapanspermia.
What is the effect of space on bacteria?
According to an article from ScienceAlert, research from space flight missions has shown bacteria become more deadly and resilient when exposed to microgravity (when only tiny gravitational forces are present).?Bacteria seem to become more resistant to antibiotics and more lethal?in space.
Can fungi and spores survive in space?
NASA conducted studies on bacteria, not fungi or their spores, to find out how they can survive in harsh conditions in space. Fungus played a major role in the origin of life trillions of years ago. They rapidly change, spread faster than any virus, and are responsible for various natural calamities.
What is the effect of radiation on bacteria?
Radiation can affect bacteria. According to an article from Interesting Engineering, the spores of Bacillus pumilus SAFR-032 can withstand UV radiation and hydrogen peroxide treatments. This can help the bacteria to survive in harsh conditions.
In addition to this, an article from ScienceAlert reports that research from space flight missions has shown bacteria become more deadly and resilient when exposed to microgravity (when only tiny gravitational forces are present). Bacteria seem to become more resistant to antibiotics and more lethal in space.
Increased Virulence of?S. typhimurium?Grown in Space Flight Compared with Ground Controls. Growth during space flight and potential global reprogramming of gene expression in response to this environment could alter the virulence of a pathogen; we compared the virulence of?S. Typhimurium?space flight samples to identical ground controls as a second major part of our study
creating biofilm that is now a shared knowledge of resisting antibiotics by horizontal transfer and sharing plasmid with other species and fungi.
According to an article from The Washington Post, in 2006, Cheryl Nickerson sent a culture of salmonella bacteria for a ride on the space shuttle Atlantis. Eleven days later, she watched anxiously from the Kennedy Space Center in the dead of night as her bacteria returned safely. Nickerson, a microbiologist at Arizona State University, and her team then infected hundreds of mice with the salmonella grown in space. At the same time, they infected hundreds of other mice with salmonella simultaneously grown on the ground.
What is Hfq?
Hfq is a protein that is encoded by the hfq gene. It is an abundant bacterial RNA binding protein with many important physiological roles usually mediated by interacting with Hfq binding sRNA. The Hfq protein is now known to regulate the translation of two major stress transcription factors in Enterobacteria.
It also governs sRNA in Vibrio cholerae, a specific example being MicX sRNA.?In Salmonella typhimurium, Hfq is an essential virulence factor as its deletion attenuates the ability of S.typhimurium to invade epithelial cells, secrete virulence factors or survive in cultured macrophages.
Effect of Micro-Gravity
Microgravity is the condition in which people or objects appear to be weightless. In microgravity, astronauts can float on a spacewalk in their spacecraft - or outside. Heavy things move around easily.?For example, astronauts can move equipment weighing hundreds of pounds with their fingertips.
I feel sad that scientists are so?preoccupied with?whether or not they can they do not stop to think if they should. Based on theoretical idealism, they have convinced wealthy, greedy investors and politicians they know technology by kindling their emotions. The greedy evil people, claiming to be "Phylonthrepist", are investing funds without understanding the consequences of their actions. They claim to help us live in a world free of infections and genetic diseases and travel to and fro from the moon and Mars.?
Please wake up, and stop living a world, hoping and praying your life will be transformed miraculously, and allow these evil people to destroy the world. Stop listening to the lies; seek and know the truth. Be the one who will act now and stop the evil people destroying our children's lives.
Kadiyali Srivatsa