Are FREE Real Estate Investing Workshops REALLY FREE?
Rob Beeman
Supplier of MONEY, KNOWLEDGE and RESOURCES to Real Estate Investors SUBSCIBE TO: newsletter for FREE
We have all heard the radio ads, or seen the TV ads about the FREE Real Estate Investing workshop that will teach you how to be a Gazillionaire in flipping properties!
Well, let's do the math. A single radio ad can costs hundreds to even thousands to record and run (depending on time slots and frequency). A TV ad is without question costly, even if run at the lowest cost time slots or on less than watched cable channels. So, if the workshop promoter is spending THOUSANDS on promoting the FREE workshop, how could it really be free?
Do you really think that the promoter of the workshop is doing this to NOT MAKE MONEY? Of course not. Which means that there MUST be a catch!
Here is the catch: The word FREE is BAIT to lure attendees to the workshop so that they can be pitched something that will NOT BE FREE. What will the attendees be pitched? Perhaps a costly Real Estate Investing BOOT CAMP for $5,000, $7000, $10,000 OR MORE! Or a chance to partner with the workshop presenter where the attendee PAYS MONEY to work with the presenter to learn the business.
Remember the saying "Nothing is free"? Well in the case of real estate investing workshops/seminars, that saying applies........FREE is really NOT FREE.
Perhaps it is smarter to pay a fee to attend a workshop or seminar that will focus on teaching want you desire to learn rather than attending a free event that will focus on taking your money.
Because we are fans of learning from those who have hands-on experience on the subject being taught, we recently sponsored a real estate investing workshop teaching flipping techniques taking place in Philadelphia, PA, called "Flipping Properties for Fun and Profit" delivered by Hard Knocks Learning. The platform of the workshop is knowledge, resources and contacts gained from first hand experiences. Besides the platform's uniqueness of the material being derived from hands-on experience, it is also unique in the fact that it is not a free event for attendance. There is a $99 attendance fee in order to learn the knowledge that they are delivering, which means that they are not trying to sell (or up-sell) those attending any boot camps or additional items, but concentrating on delivering what the attendance seeks.................information to make real estate investment decisions.
We are not passing judgment on those who promote a FREE event in order to sell their products, just merely informing those who might not know (and will abruptly discover at the FREE event) that "listener beware", FREE events sometimes are not what they may seem.
For dates and times or information about real estate investing workshops being conducted by Hard Knocks Learning, visit and search for Hard Knocks Learning.