FREE PowerPoint Plugin Download: Create 1000's of Common Business Diagrams
Steven Daniel Bonacorsi ??
Steven Bonacorsi ?? President of the International Standard for Lean Six Sigma (ISLSS)?, ?? Certified Lean Six Sigma Master Black Belt, ?? Lean Six Sigma Group, Owner PMP, MBA, ???? MS-CIS, Agilest, Management Consultant
Receive a complimentary copy of Flevy Tools, our PowerPoint plugin for creating business diagrams, commonly used by management consultants.
- To download Flevy Tools, follow these 2 steps: Write "yes" in the comments. This helps us tremendously in getting the message out.
- Go to this page and complete the form
Flevy Tools has already been downloaded by well over 30K+ professionals and well received within the management consulting community.
Flevy Tools is a powerful PowerPoint plugin for creating 12 types of common business diagrams, as you can see from the cover image above.
With Flevy Tools, you can literally generate 1000s of diagrams in a few clicks. All diagrams can also be easily further customized, as they are built with AutoShapes.
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