Free NIR hay testing from CVAS!
Cumberland Valley Analytical Services, Inc
Laboratory services for agriculture, from the field to the feedbunk!
CVAS is offering free hay analysis!
Now that the busy testing season is over, Cumberland Valley Analytical Services (CVAS) is taking time to evaluate updated NIR equations and new reports for hay analysis.?We would like to trade samples for data and the opportunity to showcase our product.?
For those of you who are clients, please send samples to the CVAS Waynesboro lab and mark “free NIR hay analysis”. ?Samples must be taken with a core sampler and contain at least 1/2 quart bag of material.?The species of hay should be provided as well as the cutting and where the hay was grown.?This offer will be valid for samples shipped through April 7th.?There is a limit of 10 samples per client.
Specifically, we are looking for the following types of hay (but not limited to):
·??????Alfalfa hay (irrigated)
·??????Timothy hay
·??????Orchard grass hay
·??????Teff grass hay
·??????Klein grass hay
·??????Bermudagrass hay
If you are not currently a client, please provide your name, farm name or business name, address, phone, and e-mail address.? Please use the form below. All reports will be provided by e-mail.?
Samples should be sent to CVAS, 4999 Zane A. Miller Drive, Waynesboro, PA?17268.
Thank you for your support.?We look forward to working with you on this project!