Free the map > soon available
De Vormforensen
We design for organisations that stand for a sustainable and/or social impact.
From Atlas to Hermes: a New Cartography of Borders and Migration
> An innovative cartography on borders and migration
> With exciting mapping assignments for Maplabs and education
> On counter-maps showing human relations, experiences, and connections
A map is a visual story of the world. It feeds our imagination and shapes our view of the world. A standard atlas, however, predominantly tells only one story, that of the nation-state. It depicts a world in which people are uniformly packed into national containers, enclosed by borders, and in which migration is often represented as threatening invasion arrows.
Free the Map goes beyond this narrow, state-centric cartography. The book argues for a new cartographic story: a Hermes – the grandson of Atlas and the god of mobility and human connections. To this end, it discusses several visually compelling, alternative cartographic representations of borders and migration.
Free the Map ends with a call to action. Various artists and cartographers offer exciting ready-to-use Hermes challenges for education and public Maplabs.
Let’s free the map from its territorial trap!
In collaboration with writer and Prof.?@henkvanhoutum
with contributions by, a.o.:?@devetann?@tofe.alobaidi?@malkit_shoshan?Catalogtree,?Sarah Mekdjian, Yishay Garbasz, Denis Wood, Nicolas Lambert @jonas_staal ?@unlisted_roots ?@foundland_collective
in conjunction with:?@koninklijkebibliotheek
with support from:?@stimuleringsfonds?@pictoright
The can order the book at 010