A Free List of Some of the Hardest Job Interview Questions You Will Ever Hear

Here are some great job interview questions and their model answers.

The negative job interview questions are the worst possible questions for an interviewee. How about this question and how would you tackle it?....

Q. What would you most like not to do in this role?

A. A dangerous question. The interviewer is probing for things that you didn't previously like and then they can ask a follow on question about why you didn't like them. Beware of this trap. One negative question after another sets a negative mood and will seriously harm your interview chances.

Turn the question round and give a 'model answer', which portrays no negativity.....'In an ideal world.....I would like to avoid any bureaucracy or red tape which can delay decisions. Like anyone I am always keen for good progress to be made at all times and everything to run smoothly'.

'I would like to avoid the situation in the last role where we had tight deadlines and 3 of my staff went off on long term sick with the winter flu last year. Although we achieved our targets it was only through hard effort, team-work and long hours'.

See how these answers portray you in a good light and turn a negative into a positive. Make sure you have prepared an answer otherwise you could see yourself stumbling!

Another key point is that the length of the answer is sufficient to give the interviewer enough information. If the answer is too brief the interviewer will feel that you have avoided the answer. If the answer is too long then you are spending too long discussing something that is potentially negative. A second important point is that anyone who talks too much in an answer can be perceived as lying. Of course that would only apply to a question where you have something to hide.


Q. What do you bring to this role which make me hire you over the other candidates?

A. You need to avoid dwelling on the other candidates and take the opportunity to list the positive attributes that you own and will bring to the new organization to add to their workforce. It is an absolute certainty that if you do not have an answer prepared then you will suffer here. The interview is giving you the opportunity to list each one of your skills and traits that will secure the role.

In answering you can always do so in the 3rd party as this often sounds more modest and humble. For example.....'my current colleagues would say that I am a great team player with strong organizational skills and attention to detail.'

Importantly you need to back up any statements with examples which will clearly demonstrate what you are talking about. If you cannot think of anything to say attributes such as conscientious, reliable, knowledgeable in 'x', team-player, motivator, good customer relations, strong closing sales technique etc. Of course adapt it to fit your particular circumstances.

Ask yourself what the interviewer is looking for from a successful candidate, use the job description as a basis for this and build a list woven into a proven prepared answer.

You could end the answer with a closing statement such as 'In your opinion are these the types of attributes that you are looking for?' It allows the interviewer to discuss any gaps in your application or confirm that you have the necessary skills.

The bottom line is to ensure the interviewer has no risks and is completely sure that you can do the job. Such a question as this is a golden opportunity to shine and cover this point.


Q. A job interview will 905 of the time come down to the interviewer looking for weaknesses in the candidate's application. A likely question that needs rehearsing before the interview.....''Reviewing your resume shows me that you have not actually been performing this role in previous employment. What affect will this have on your application?''

A. You have to admit this is a weakness and this translates into risk for an employer. However why are you sitting there with an interview if you have not done this role before. The simple answer is because the interviewer sees something in your application that they like.

Your reply needs to assimilate your current predicament with previous roles you have undertaken where you have not had the necessary experience. We can all think of examples where you have been given things to do which you did not know how to perform. How did you resolve this. Well you asked questions, studied documentation and picked things up until you were competent.

Everyone for example faces new technologies, processes and procedures when changing roles or jobs.

Actually this is a positive for you because you are able to demonstrate that despite your lack of knowledge and experience in a particular area you were able to overcome this quickly and effectively to become an asset to the organization.

Try broadening your reply by stating 'Everyone is faces a fast paced changing world where new skills need to be understood and learned. It is what makes the possibilities of this role exciting for me!

Don't forget to list examples of this happening within your answer

Don't forget if the job interviewer really was thinking you were not suitable then you would not be sitting there!


Q. What do you think the organization will expect from you in terms of responsibilities?

A. The interviewer is looking for an answer which includes personal skills such as hard work, enthusiasm, professionalism, passion, honesty. Additionally you can express your enthusiasm for the companies products and services and comment on how you see your responsibilities as adding value or increasing sales/profits/turnover. Of course your answer will need to be tailored to the situation.

Close your answer by asking the interviewer if that was what they were expecting or asking what they feel the main responsibilities are apart from those listed on the job description.


Q. What about the question that suggests you are too good for the role........You seem to be over qualified for this position. Are you going to find the role a bit demeaning?

A. This is a complement. Your skills are highly regarded and the interview is going particularly well.

A good trick is to smile, confirm this is a good thing and ask the interviewer to clarify why they are thinking. This gives you some time to compose yourself and also to set the interviewers concerns in context.

The interviewer will probably say you could get bored, you might not be challenged enough and look to move roles quickly if you get a better offer. This is a concern for you.

The way to convince the interviewer is to express your desire to work for the company. The more you have taken

the trouble to understand the company its product ranges and shown enthusiasm for joining them the more convincing you will be.

You will want to focus on the challenges the company will offer you and how they will provide a rewarding career for you. This can mark a changing point in the interview. The interviewer is saying that effectively you are an excellent candidate more than capable of doing the job. Your focus now is on convincing them that you see the company as your next major career step.

If you can additionally add that you do have other options for your career and this role is still your first choice then so much the better. It reinforces what you are saying.


Q. What aspects of your job do you dislike the most?

A. Do not say you love your job unconditionally and there is nothing you would change. Firstly because we know this isn't true and secondly then why are you applying for this position?

Alternatively saying you are motivated by money and additional benefits is being far too honest. The interviewer will frown on this.

You could say you hate bureaucracy, lazy colleagues whose work you have to do or lack of career progression. These are perfectly fine but you need to end with a positive spin on these and they are predictable.

Alternatively try to find something in the new role that the old role doesn't offer and which makes you dislike it. For example the limited chance to travel. You love traveling and the new role will afford you that chance.

Or you like meeting customers and your present office based role doesn't allow this to happen. See how these answers completely eliminate any negative sentiment and give genuine reasons for wanting the new role.


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