Free At Last, Can We ALL Be Free At Last
Oakland County Prosecutor’s Office Dana Nessel Gretchen Whitmer State Bar of Michigan National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA) Internal Revenue Service IRS Criminal Investigation Ontario Securities Commission
There is no distress here. Shells of men, such as the ones of Maddin, Hauser, Roth & Heller, PC and United Restoration Disaster Services ?cannot scare me with judicial system manipulation, via corporate bylaws and technicalities. ?I have a sneaky suspicion that they do not scare the honorable Judge Michael Warren either.?
They've committed crimes and manipulated the courthouse you’re charged with overseeing justice in, Prosecutor McDonald. ?It is your duty to prosecute and it’s time that they pay.?
I’ve been lenient enough in the name of integrity. They have none. As long as you, Prosecutor McDonald, ?do your job and prosecute these men who are emblematic of the desecration of every Americans right to life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness, there shall be no need for distress.
This is an open-and-shut case, minus corporate and greed imposed bylaws and technicalities. ? Trust me when I tell you this will be an easy one for you, for WDIV Local 4 News/ClickOnDetroit Hank, for David Coulter and Walt Herzig , for Michigan Department of Attorney General , for Oakland County, Michigan Government , Oakland County Board of Commissioners to prosecute in the court of public opinion. ?I will utilize all of my entertainment and political resources to make this as public as the public demands. ?
The cowards of URDS and Maddin Hauser have made their decision. I now have and will exercise ?full ?reign ?to move forward and seek recourse and justice in any way and ?by any means necessary with which to be a conduit to true justice; not corporate, two-party, greed imposed justice. ?This is for the people. I don’t care about the consequences to myself. This is far bigger than me or the cowards.?
Let’s make an example of these corporate criminal wannabes. As above, so below. ?As within, so without. ? The actions you take now in the microcosm will trickle upward to the macro level. It’s high time that this abused judicial system move against the faux physics it’s been subject to at the behest of greed for far too long. ?When they go low, we go high.?
I’ll be available all day tomorrow Prosecutor McDonald. Let’s do the right thing here. No need for distress on my part. There’s only a need for truth, justice and liberty for all. ?Call me naieve or tragically optimistic, but I still believe all three and the will of the people can prevail. Let’s show the American people that it is still possible to achieve these tenets ?in this corrupt system.
Just a side bar, did everyone attached to this correspondence see how pathetic and guilt ridden Andrew Creal of Maddin Hauser’s response was to me? ?I’ll share it publicly for everyone to see.
Mr. Creal has been the primary purveyor of the conspiracy to allow his clients to walk away from their crimes unscathed, after his colleague, Jordan Segal , both of Maddin Hauser, falsified a resignation to 美国银行 , purportedly from me, at the request of their clients, Patrick stemmler, Kurt Siebenaller, CPA and Scott McKenna, which they used to defraud Bank of America Business into removing me from my accounts so they could commence with their financial duress tactics and the manipulation and abuse of mine and my son’s mental health. ?Make no mistake, these are vile people. ?Yet still, I pray, through this, they find their way and become better men. ?
Regardless, this is corporate and judicial system abuse at its most wretched, at the micro level. Everyone, even those guilty of the crimes stated, attached to this email, have a civic duty to stop crimes like these dead in their tracks. ?Let’s do the right thing here. ?
This has become a civil rights case, make no mistake. ?I don’t believe that this is the first time in legal history that crimes of this nature have been committed at this level against a white middle-aged male who’s willing to go the distance for those who can’t fight for themselves, but I wouldn’t mind making it the last for those subject to bigotry who would have a much more difficult time fighting this fight. ?I know minority heroes of mine have lost their lives standing against abuse such as this, due to old prejudices that I feel most of my generation and below, even generations prior would like to rid our system of government from permanently. ? You have the opportunity right now to be a conduit to that. ?Please don’t blow it.?
Let’s bypass the nearly incoherent ?rumblings of a guilty attorney, representing guilty clients, under the protection of a guilty law firm. ?Let’s not let them taint the system or you, by making you a guilty public servant in a corrupt system unwilling to take action. ?Let’s show them together that there are those in the system who believe that its purported foundation of truth, justice and liberty for all still reigns supreme. ?
Let’s show these men of ill repute that the system is too strong to be manipulated by them, that there are still those within the system that believe in its foundation and will work to ensure that the system doesn’t have to be broken down completely to rebuild itself. ?That is your duty. That is what you’re called upon to do right now.
To honor the dream and immortal words of my hero and someone whose path and work I always look to for guidance, Martin Luther King Jr , and in honor of Juneteenth , a day representative of where so many before us fell victim to a corrupt system prior to the meek that were born and voted in to change it, let's stand unified as a people and givernment against corruption and greed. If we embark on this journey together, I believe, when it’s all said and done, we’ll collectively be able to yell from the mountaintops, “free at last, free at last, God almighty we are free at last.”
This is only step one in a long process, but it’s a crucial step. ?Your action is necessary. Now is definitely not the time in human history to turn a blind eye to your duties or the suffering of your constituency. Now is the time to do what you were voted ?into public service to do; to make a difference.?
Let’s make a difference. ? I’m your huckleberry. ?I’m willing to go the distance. ?I’ll die for this so other people don’t have to. I prefer to live for it, but I’ve laid my life on the line, under the premise that the Declaration of Independence, something we’ve never adhered to as a nation under the blood splattered stain that slavery left on our flag, yet still one of the most beautifully written documents in the history of human formed government, is still our guidepost. ?As such, when faced with a tyrannical government, it is all of our civic duty to stand against its abusers. The men named here are that. ?Action here is one small step for humankind and it’s the people's responsibility I’ve intentionally attached to this note to take that step. ?
I’m your huckleberry, and the cowards attached are no daisies. ?Let’s do the right thing and take this step forward toward allowing the meek to inherit the Earth, as they so righteously deserve.
Let’s take these corporate criminals down and let’s do it for the world to see! I’ll expect to hear from your office tomorrow, Prosecutor McDonald.?
With Conviction and Determination, Give me Equanimity and Liberty or Give me Death,
Vince Orlnado
We The People NTWR
(No taxation without representation)
#noviolence #nodivision #notwopartysystem