How to prepare for Judiciary Exams?
In India, every judicial service examination involves majorly three stages:
- Preliminary Exam [MCQ Based]
- Mains Exam [Subjective Answer Based]
- Personal Interview [Personality Test]
After thoroughly analyzing interviews of over 20+ Toppers of Judiciary Exams including RJS, GJS, UPJS, JJS, DJS, BJS etc. I have realized a "Cliche Formula" [which is absolutely simple and amusing - but it works out the best!] that all the toppers had adopted to ace these examinations, which can be elucidated as follows:
- Overview: Toppers never start "Perfect"! They too were beginners, after all "Rome wasn't built in a Day!" Many students fail in judiciary exams because they overemphasize "Perfect notes, Perfect coaching, Perfect Strategy, and Perfect Results". However, toppers never follow this approach. On the contrary, they always focus on a summary overview of the entire subject to grasp the "core objective, structure, and constructive interpretation" of the subjects based on the Syllabus and PYQs [Pre and Mains].
- Notes: After getting an overview of the syllabus, and all the core subjects, and after analyzing the Pre and Mains PYQs, the toppers divide their syllabus into weekly and monthly Modules and Sub-modules. Then, they start making short, crisp, and concise notes on these modules such that they can revise all "important" details related to all the "important" concepts for their specific state exams. As stated earlier, they never start with making perfect notes, they just start the preparation to bring consistency in their study schedule and keep updating their notes from time to time.
- Their notes are written in pointers mostly covering: essentials, defenses, exceptions, provisos, amendments, doctrines, maxims, legal principles, landmark case laws, recent updates (including state-specific legal news and updates) etc.
- Best Tactics & Psychological Tricks to Increase Readability of Notes and Increase Revision Consistency:
- -> Use small notebooks with smaller size of pages, leave 2 pages blank after writing notes on each topic. The size of page tricks the brain and makes it easier to revise.
- -> Use black and blue pens (ball pens - suggested "Pentonic" [because its slimmer and has a long tip making it lightweight and helping in improving handwriting] - use black pen to highlight the headings and important "Key Words" which are must to be written while writing "mains" answers.
- -> Use more graphics like flow charts of concepts, tables for differences, colored pens for underlining important dates, names, event headings, etc.
- Additional Mantra for Note Making: Don't write anything in your notes that you can remember easily or which is written already in the bare act; write what needs consistent revision for you to feed it in your brain.
- Regular Revision: Toppers never skip revision even for a single day. They dedicate significant time for the "revision of concepts" they studied last day, last week, and last month - to feed the important information in their "subconscious mind" [it is that segment of your brain that works without a trigger or which works without your will and volition]. They simply revise the using the precise notes, they made. If, during revision, they find any additional updates - they add it to the notes.
- Standard Revision Strategies:
- -> Record a brief audio note of the concept in your voice after quickly skimming through your notes and listen to it again.
- -> Watch a short video available for quick overview again and then quickly read your notes.
- Practice: Toppers practice with Topic Wise MCQ Compilations in the beginning like that of Singhal's; Topic Wise Mains Questions; Full Length Subject Wise MCQ Mock Tests [only after 2 months of Preparation]; Full Length MCQ combined Mock Tests [only after 4 months of Preparation]; Full Length MCQ Mock Tests [only after 5-6 months of Topic Wise Mains answer writing practice].
- WARNING: Never jump to Mock Tests in the beginning of preparation it will hallucinate you to think that every ounce of detail is important, but the actual trick is to know the most important stuff properly NOT to know everything!! - We are humans, not commentaries - So, BEWARE of this HALLUCINATION!!
4 Golden Principles of Success in Judiciary Exams
- "Limited Resources Unlimited Revision": Keep the resources you study from LIMITED, study from standard books prescribed to you BUT ONLY 1 BOOK MAX FOR ONE SUBJECT NOT 2-3 [many people fail due to their quest for perfection - but please realize the beauty in imperfection too]. Some standard books as prescribed can be checked out from this link:
- Click here to see the list of standard books [Note: I will recommend you to read this article completely first, then go to the list because this can change the way you think about judicial service examinations!!]
- "Consistent Practice": Practice makes a man perfect as already described above, practice as much as you can. This practice will not only give you in-depth insights into topics but will also feed the information in your subconscious mind.
- [Fun Fact: Your brain will start thinking and revising passively about the concepts without you even knowing that. Symptom: You will start connecting the concepts to your day-to-day life incidents without even thinking actively about it!! - This brain training will help you in interview to speak flawlessly without putting any stress on your brain!!]
- "Analysis and Improvement": Analyse your mistakes and update your notes accordingly. Practice again for more improvement. Try to get your copies checked from a trustworthy mentor who gives honest and most brutal reviews. As it is said: "????? ????? ?????? ???? ???? ?????, ???? ???? ????? ??? ?????? ??? ?????" - A quote [doha] by Kabir Das Ji which means "Criticism makes you perfect effortlessly, so be fond of your criticizers."
- "New Day New Concept New Skill": You never know what happens post examination or in the interview, so lay your hands also on new age and most important litigation skills as well like legal research, writing, drafting, oration, law practice [especially in the local language of your State for example: In Rajasthan, Hindi is used a lot in drafts so start reading Hindi plants, memorandums, agreements, notices, etc. - It will aid you during your Judicial Academy days!].
- "You become what you feed your brain": Do you know what is the motto of the Supreme Court of India? I knew it you won't know this - it's "??? ???? ??? ????" and this newsletter also has the same motto - it means "Where there is justice, there is victory!"
- Now, why did I tell you this? What's the point? The point is to understand the purpose of the examination and the "why" behind your preparation - Are you preparing to "serve" or to "earn"? Is the real question - start feeding "righteousness" to your brain - know what is "Dharma" and what is "Adharma" - equip your brain with the natural ability to analyze situations in light of what is "Right" in law and what is "Wrong" in law because even Supreme Court overrules its judgments [thus not every decision/case law is righteous] and even provisions for benefit of women like those under Section 498A IPC, Section 3&4 of Dowry Prohibition Act, Section 3 of PWDV Act, 2005 and POSCO Act, 2012 are used to Harass husbands [even if they had not fault].
- To become a judge, start thinking like a judge - And, for thinking like a judge start thinking from the point of view of "What is Just and What is Unjust" & Before judging others, learn to judge yourself - you will crack the exam with flying colors!
Important Realizations!!
- Speed and accuracy come with practice and from a your sub-conscious mind.
- Instinct and Skill is not inborn, its developed within from practice and consistent revision.
- No book/resource can help you if you have not read it more than once at least.
- Self-criticism [in thoughts] is a skill must needed - helps in self-improvement.
- Positive mindset can be developed by feeding positivity to your brain because you become what you feed your brain.
Free Judiciary Notes written by Judges
Most of you, even though you are preparing for Judicial Services Exams, have not even once visited the website of your respective State Judicial Academies. Isn't that weird? But its true for most of you. If you have visited them well 'n' good but if not then this information will blow off your mind!!
Most of the judicial academies have uploaded FREE Study material including important questions, notes on subjects, manuals of different subjects including important landmark case laws and principles - a must for state-specific preparation!
This happened because of your over-reliance on coaching and your friends and NOT SO TRUSTWORTHY "YOUTUBE" CHANNELS!!
This article, I guess, was indeed an eye-opener for you.
Now, with that I have given you enough feeling of "self-criticism" - telling you how it feels like [you have to practice it daily of course - even after your crack the exams]!, here are the links of subject-wise FREE Judiciary Notes written by Judges and Published by Judicial Academies:
[Note: As stated already, if you already are studying from a standard book / notes / resource - don't open this material - I don't want you to fail this ATTEMPT - Open it only if you genuinely need it, and not to overburden your mighty brain.]
I hope this information was valuable if it was worth it, please:
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