Free Will
Today's devotional is from What Would Jesus Ask You Today?
"What do you prefer?" - 1 Corinthians 4:21.
Many are comfortable in a perpetual state of servanthood, willing to do whatever the Lord asks—and there is nothing wrong with that. At some point, however, God wants to see what is in your heart to do that's based on His word shaping your will. In the short letter to Philemon, Paul indicated that he could order Philemon to do something, but he preferred that Philemon carry it out of his own free will without coercion.
What is in your heart to do? Why aren't you doing it? What are you waiting for? Take a look at Paul's words to Philemon in 8-9 and 14, then go do the good deeds that are in your heart to do, without waiting on confirmation or heavenly direction.