Free Will
As free as a chained lion who knows no world outside of the cage, he reins King over. His dimensional awareness is limited by his view of life. To King lion he believes he is the master of his universe; the ruler of his jungle, master of his cage who knows no other environment, but only the one he has laid claim over. He believes he has free will, but only as free as his will may deem him and his will is but a passenger to his perspective. For it is the lion’s perspective that charts his course. Every decision he makes and all the cognition he interprets is at the will of his bias perspective. If his perspective is shaped by the only environment he knows, his cage, then how can he have free will? The lion may feel free, and he may even be free, but he cannot know what he does not know. He is ignorant due to rational understanding; reality. The lion is caged, and for him, due to circumstance, the perspective knows no other circumstance therefore this may be his only judge of freedom. This lion, King of his only known jungle- this cage, with its bars so thin that they cannot even be seen by the naked eye, yet once noticed they may not be unseen, for this is awareness. All the choices the lion makes, and every freedom the lion acts upon seems to be that of his own accord. But who is to say that our lions will has not solely been shaped by perspective? This perspective driven by his probable circumstance; his genetics engaged inside his caged environment; he knows no other view. His free thought is that of itself, free, but who is to say so? After all, if every thought, idea and action is the effect of this cause, the environment around this lion, then how can he truly be free? His biggest albatross may be his belief in freedom. In full respect for his Kingship he is but a slave to his own belief of freedom, the perfect slave. An organism so enslaved he is convinced he is the King of his jungle. When his jungle is solely an illusion of his mind, and our lions mind is but a slave to the circumstances that surround it, how they become perceived is based on factors our lion cannot control. Our universe has a sick sense of humor, one that thinks it is funny to perceive anyone of having free will when in reality it is determined by our environment. Our environment is just a statistical probability of rocks banging into other rocks to birth stars shining on other stars. This cycle of life goes on with or without free will. The perfect slave is God, a King and a slave. The apparent hierarchy juxtaposes better or worse or free or not free. Therefore, that is a question never to be answered. However, let us create one together and be sure to write and speak what you believe. For that is the answer that matters.