To be free from regret 5 daily decisions help.

To be free from regret 5 daily decisions help.

A recent study from Columbia University discovered we are inundated with more than 70 decisions each day. The volume of our choices often leads to decision fatigue, which can impair our judgement.

A new study from the University of Texas demonstrates that even when our brain isn't tired, we struggle with good decisions. The study determined that when we make decisions we rely on memories not knowledge.

For instance, let's say we walk into an apartment that we can’t afford. We sudenly recall Sunday football games at our buddy’s place, and then picture how great it would be to host Sunday football gatherings at our new place. 

Instead, our focus should be on the exorbitant monthly expenses. Rent, association fees, utilities and added costs of owning our own place.

The magnitude of some decisions makes it hard for our brain to maintain perspective on making good choices.

A long-term care nurse spent decades asking patients several months from death what their biggest regrets were. Five answers surfaced repeatedly.

By paying attention to these regrets we can help ensure we avoid decisions that create regret later in life. 

Here are five choices we can make to avoid regret:

"I am not a product of my circumstances. I am a product of my decisions." –Stephen Covey

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Be true to ourself

When we place too much emphasis on the opinions of others, we often receive flawed advice from individuals that compromised authenticity for simplicity.

I know many people that have degrees who pursued a career they regret because they failed to be true to themself.

Listening to parents or friends that never found professional success because they made concessions with their purpose, isn’t advice worth taking.

In addition, gravitating away from our moral compass, principles and values can have disastrous consequences. Trying to look good or impress certain people at the expense of being true to our convictions, always has a price. It's usually regret later in life.  

The best way to avoid falling prey to the opinions of others, is to realize that other people’s opinions are just that—opinions. Regardless of how "realistic"they believe our ambitions are, that’s only their opinion. We need to be true to ourselves to avoid regret.

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Be present

Building a successful business comes at a cost, and that price requires hard work and dedication. I have no regrets about working incredibly hard for decades to build the foundation of my company. I never neglected my health, family or friends.

I had a plan, and that plan included walking away from the daily operation and focusing on what I do best, and what I enjoy doing most. I created a lucrative and successful career that allowed me to own my time.

A common regret people experience later in life is working too hard at the expense of healthy relationships and wellbeing. 

The key is to establish balance between work and what you love the most, to ensure we don’t suffer regret.

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Be better with emotions

Many people look back on life and regret not expressing their feelings better.

They learned to stuff their emotions as children, and withheld love, or failed to express their feelings honestly when the opportunity presented itself.

Often this explodes as anger, resentment and regret later in life.

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Be a better friend

A common mistake is losing touch with quality people.

It’s easy to slip out of touch with true friends as we become preoccupied with the responsibilities of managing a career and family.

It’s unfortunate because quality friendships are so important, so is laughter and stimulating conversation.

I just played golf with my best friend from High School.

For over 40 years we've had each other’s back. We have both been through a lot and understand the pain of peronal sacrifice. We appreciate one another, and share deep respect, trust and admiration for each other.

Those relationships are irreplaceable, and I will never regret investing the time and energy required to maintain those quality connections.

Be happy

Being happy is a choice, and its at the foundation of my teaching. 

The four tenets of equanimity emphasize areas of life that increase daily happiness. I encourage you to read my book Anatomy of Success.

Many people fail to allow themselves to be happy. They forget to laugh, smile and experience joy. Life becomes a series of obligations and future aspirations that rarely materialize.

Don’t forfeit the chance to be happy today by deferring satisfaction to some "future event" that provides the perception of "unlimited happiness". A better job, more money, fame and fortune. It seldom if ever works that way.

Sum it up

Some choices can have lasting implications. Many of these decisions are made daily and add up over time. Be aware of the subtle choices we make that can cause regret later in life.

Any other tips on avoiding regret? Share your thoughts in the comments section and please like and share this article. I love learning from you as well.

About Steve:

Steve Wohlenhaus is CEO of Weatherology, the leading company in the world at disseminating audio weather information.  Steve began his career as a major market television weather anchor in Minneapolis, where he received several Emmy Awards for science programming. Steve is an author and host of the podcast program Anatomy of Success. Reach out and connect with me on LinkedIn. Learn more about my work by clicking on any picture in this article!

pauL Piper

just another coach - founder of SELV - finalizing portaL: EARTH - SIGN UP at

3 年

I'd say if you manage to live completely free of regret you're doing quite good already ,-)


Thanks for sharing. I love the dogs. Great reminders!

Joy Abdullah

Marketing & Content Strategy Consultant | I help professional service business owners with marketing strategies that create consistent growth by building relationships which grow communities |Founder- Humanizing Business

3 年

Very helpful Steve Wohlenhaus

Very insightful and meaningful Steve Wohlenhaus!!! Thank you for sharing.


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