fear of COVID-19 scale, which is a short scale and was applied to participants by social media, revealed that people with higher fear of ...


?identified various domains of fear related to the fear of COVID-19 infection, such as fear of oneself or their family members getting infected, fear of having economic losses and being unemployed, or fear of avoidance behaviors toward gaining knowledge about the pandemic or fear of making decisions on .

As the coronavirus pandemic rapidly sweeps across the world, it is inducing a considerable degree of fear, worry and concern in the population at large and among certain groups in particular, such as older adults, care providers and people with underlying health conditions.

Though COVID-19 often causes shortness of breath, it's typically accompanied by symptoms not associated with a panic attack, like coughing, sneezing, a runny nose and a fever. A panic attack, meanwhile, can happen to anyone, particularly during the isolation and stress of a pandemic.

Early research suggested that it could take 2 weeks for your body to get over a mild illness, or up to 6 weeks for severe or critical cases. Newer data show that recovery varies for different people, depending on things like your age and overall health.

What are some common psychological reactions toward the COVID-19 pandemic?

  • Feelings of feelings of fear, anger, sadness, worry, numbness, or frustration
  • Changes in appetite, energy, and activity levels
  • Difficulty concentrating and making decisions
  • Difficulty sleeping or nightmares
  • Physical reactions, such as headaches, body pains, stomach problems, and skin rashes
  • Worsening of chronic health problems
  • Increased use of alcohol, tobacco, or other drugs

It usually subsides within three to four days, although one report in JAMA Dermatology notes it can last up to 21 days after injection with the Moderna vaccine. If you develop the side effect and are due for a follow-up dose, tell your vaccine provider, who might simply suggest you get the next jab in the other arm.

Fear?is an adaptive response in the presence of danger. However, when threat is uncertain and continuous, as in the current coronavirus disease (COVID-19)?.

Unfortunately, COVID-19 has turned that thinking on its head. We?fear COVID-19?because of its befuddling failure to be controlled, the way its?.





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@#Musculosketetal @#Ophthalmologist?@#diabetologist?@#Endocrinologist














@#OtoRhinoLaryngology @#neurogeneticist?@#neurodegenerativeconditions

@#endophenotype?@#deaddiction?@#psychoanalytically?@#NeurocriticalCare @#Epidemiology














@#Prodantim ??@#Mitochondrial ??@#oligodendrocytes ??@#caloricrestriction ?

@#longevity @#activator??@#sirtuinsactivation ??@#cellmembran ??@#oxidativestress???@#moleculeNAD ??@#plasmamembran ??@#detoxification ??@#antiinflammatory ??@#theoryofaging??@#receptors ??@#mentalsharpness @#leakygut??@#NSG??@#BSCG?@#NIH??@#biohacking??@#DNA?@#spinalcord @#lumbar??@#epiduraspace??@#Ketamine @#PTSD @#hyperbaricoxygen ?@#antiaging ?@#obesity ?@#NADmolecule???@#oxygentherapy @#RegenerativeMedicineforNerve??@#Neuropathicpain ???@#Bioresetmedical? ?@#physicalenergy ?@#neurotransmitter ?@#digestion @#orthopedic??@#Anesthesiologist ??@#surgeon ??@#Spinalsurgeon #researcher ??@#psychologist??@#pediatrics ??@#allergies @#pediatricians ?@#podiatry??@#pain?@#hand??@#wrist??@#podiatrist ??@#Orthopedist ?@#dermatology ?@#dematolgist ??@#itching ??@#mole?@#rash @#children ?@#plasticsugerons ?@#cardiology ?@#vascular ?@#cardiologist ?

@#Cerumenologist??@#hepatologist @#Otorhinolaryngology?




@#gerontology??@#musculoskeletal???@#Cardiothoracic???@#dermatologist @#Tenercologist




@#NorthVietnam???@#Cyprus @#Australia??@#Paris??@#Bhutan






















@#VietNam?@#Hawaii??@#Alaska @#FollowMefourFollowback?? @#Nepal?@#SriLanka??@#TimorLeste










@#Togo?@#UnitedRepublicofTanzania?@#Uganda @#Zambia

@#Zimbabwe??@#Africaterritories @#Mayotte??@#AntiguaandBarbuda??@#Bahamas?@#Barbados






@#TrinidadandTobago @#AmericasTerritories??






















@#Turkey??@#UnitedKingdom?@#Uzbekistan @#FollowMefourFollowback???@#FollowMefourFollowback

@#Kosovo??@#IsleofMan?@#Jersey?@#Guernsey?@FaroeIslands @#Gibraltar?@#Greenland @#Huatulco?@#Bacalar?@#SanLuisPotosi @#Mexico?@#Cozumel?@#Tulu?@#LasPozas?@#Tamasopo

@#MexicoCity?@#Cancun?@#Oaxaca??@#Guanajuato??#@#Puebla @#Guadalajara




































@#Latvia??@#Liechtenstein??@@#Lithuania?@#Malta @#Luxembourg?

@#NorthMacedonia?@#Norway??@#SanMarino?@#Serbia @#Slovakia??@#Tajikistan


M. S. A. Rose-Bonaparte [AMARE]


For more information:


code: 1927889?

Dr. Brian Dixon [ Tri Synergizer ]? ?

Ms. Sylvia Bonaparte????????



@ Sylvia Bonaparte

Sylvia Bonaparte

Business strategist, Entrepreneur

2 年

READ: 8/27/2022 DOES the 4th BOOSTER PROTECT AGAINST the OMICRON VARIANT OF COVID - 19? Conclusions: The findings suggest that compared with a third dose of mRNA covid-19 vaccine, a fourth dose improved protection against infection, symptomatic infection, and severe outcomes among long term care residents during an omicron dominant period. WHAT are SOME symptoms of an INFECTION with the COVID - 19 BA.4 and BA.5 subvariants? The U.K., where BA.4 and BA.5 infections also account for the majority of recent COVID cases, reported runny nose, sore throat, headache, persistent cough and fatigue as its most common symptoms last week. LinkedIn: M. S. A. Rose-Bonaparte [AMARE] Amare: Ms. Sylvia Bonaparte???????? @#FollowMefourFollowback @#Follow4Followback @#SylviaBonaparte

Sylvia Bonaparte

Business strategist, Entrepreneur

2 年

READ: 7/10/2022 two.. THE ANSWER TO: AGE - RELATED WEIGHT GAIN AARP's new book, 'The Whole Body Reset, 'show why extra protein is the secret to better health and more energy. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> DIFFERENT AGES, DIFFERENT MUSCLES A 20 - something body utilizes the protein from breakfast - 12 or so grams from the eggs and 4.5 grams from the whole - wheat toast - with maximum efficiency, turning the protein into healthy new muscle cells. This whole process is known as protein synthesis. But while this life - sustaining process is going on inside your son's body, it actually hasn't kicked into gear inside yours. Studies show that older adults need at least 25 to 30 grams of protein at a time to stimulate the same muscle - building process that a younger person can get from just a couple of eggs. Here's why that's important: The human body is constantly breaking down and building up muscle. Studies show that older folks who fail to get 25 to 30 grams of protein in the morning are likely to stay in muscle - loss mode all day. At some point between ages 30 and 40, adults begin to lose 3 percent to 8 percent of their muscle mass each decade.

Sylvia Bonaparte

Business strategist, Entrepreneur

2 年

READ: 7/10/2022 THE ANSWER TO: AGE - RELATED WEIGHT GAIN AARP's new book, 'The Whole Body Reset,' shows why extra protein is the secret to better health and more energy by Stephen Perrine with HEIDI Skolnik Let's say you and your 20-something son meet up for breakfast. You both order a couple of eggs, a slice of whole - wheat toast and coffee. You both enjoy the same breakfast. But in the coming hours, your bodies are going to respond to this meal very differently. These differences explain why we gain weight as we age and, more important, how we can reverse that process, prevent age - related weight gain and give ourselves a ''whole body reset.'' We used to assume that the reason we gained weight in midlife was because of a decline in metabolism, - or more precisely, what scientists call resting metabolic rate (RMR), which is how much energy your body needs to carry on basic functions. But a shocking study published in the journal SCIENCE in August 2021 found that our individual cells rev at pretty much the same rate in our 40's and 50s as they did in our 20s - indeed, our metabolic rat doesn't start to slow until about age 60 or so, when it begins to drop at a rate of .07 percent a year.

Sylvia Bonaparte

Business strategist, Entrepreneur

2 年

READ: 7/9/2022 Progressive Christianity Second. . . These same currents came to the United States and exploded on the church scene in the early 20th century Liberals such as Harry Emerson Fosdick, pastor of New York's famous Riverside Church, denied doctrines like the virgin birth, but they would never have argued for normalizing adultery, not to mention homosexuality. They argued that to maintain Christian morality, the Church had to discard "outdated" doctrines clearly taught in Scripture. On of the great conservative theologians of the era, J. Gresham Machen, argued that the Liberals had not "updated" Christianity, they had repudiated Christianity and invented an entirely new religion. In Machen's words, their new religion was "not Christianity at all, but a religion which is so different from Christianity as to belong in a different category." Machen was right. The liberals had just followed the secular intellectual currents and replaced Christianity with a new religion, which they claimed to be modernized or liberalized. Secular intellectuals set the pace, and the liberal theologians followed.

Sylvia Bonaparte

Business strategist, Entrepreneur

2 年

READ: 7/9/2022 Progressive Christianity THE SUBVERSION of CHRISTIAN MORALITY Why do moral progressivism and theological liberalism go hand in hand? The quick answer is that both impulses are rooted in an attempt to escape or undermine Scripture. The long answer is more complicated - but really interesting. Theological liberalism emerged and gained momentum in the 19th century. Theologians such as Friedrick Schleiermacher in Germany began to call for a reformulation of Christian doctrine that would replace orthodox Christianity with a more modern version of the faith. Schleiermacher wanted to shift the main theological emphasis from the objective truth of God's Word to a Subjective Christian experience. The authority of the Bible was undermined. But, interestingly enough, those early liberal theologians did not seek to reject a morality based in the Bible and the Christian tradition. To the contrary, they sought to "rescue" Christian morality from Christian doctrine. Save the morality, ditch the doctrine.


