Free From Fear
We all know fear, we have felt it, we know how it feels and is not a pleasant place to be.
How can we overcome fear so that it does not paralyze us and fall on us like something heavy and distress us more than it should? Fear can arise for different reasons; We can be afraid of a situation, of losing something, of being alone, of getting sick, of what will happen someday, of the future, fear of someone, fear of failure. There are many ways in which we can experience fear, and there are many reasons.
To free ourselves from the grips of fear first of all, we must recognize that fear arises in the mind. It is the mind that is afraid, it is in thought. Your spirit is not afraid, your soul is not afraid. Fear is transmitted from the mind and manifests itself in the body in chemical reactions, in the form of anxiety, worry, sometimes even anger, and ultimately it is fear.
Recognizing that this fear arises in the mind helps us separate ourselves from the fear, and be able to observe it. Being aware of fear, recognizing that we are afraid of a situation, or because we believe that something is going to happen, and that probably what you imagine is not even happening, but the agitated mind constructs negative and dramatic stories of what could happen and easily believes them.
Separate yourself for a moment, give your mind space. Start with a conscious breath, focusing on the present moment, as it is. This will create space, so you don’t get completely overwhelmed. Once you have that space you have done a great job because usually we don’t even realize that we are in fear or panic, and we are just being overwhelmed by waves of feelings, loaded with uncontrolled thoughts and reactions. Pay attention, because this is reflected in our frequency state, and thinking about it and feeling it constantly can even create situations alike because you are vibrating it, and what we vibrate we attract.
Let’s learn to face fear, to be able to observe it, recognize it and not completly identify ourselves with it. We are not fear, we can feel fear, and we can even contain it in our cellular information, it is part of humanity, of collective memory. The reactions that humans have to fear are strong. We live in constant fear, fear of dying, fear of living, fear of taking a risk, of making mistakes, if something goes wrong and we are not trusting.
Use your breathing, that’s where you begin to separate yourself from fear. Because fear is on this surface, but you are deeper because you can observe it. Every time you manage to breathe consciously you will dissolve more and more fear. Calm your mind, and then you can use a positive affirmation. For example, “everything is fine in my world.”
When I also go through situations that can generate fear, I begin to breathe and remind myself that I live in a universe of love, truth and kindness, even if the temporary situation seems negative, I know that there is always more and that everything changes. Remind your mind that you are in God’s hands, and you will strengthen confidence in life and in situations.
Life is resolved in life itself, sometimes we don’t have to do many things, time adjusts everything, we simply control our mind, the unbridled train of thoughts imagining scenarios, amplifying the imagination and emotions, that if we breathe and We stop, we are going to realize that we are bigger than the situations.
You are not afraid, life loves you, God is with you, ask your mind, why is it afraid? It is also useful to make a positive prayer for example of gratitude. Be grateful for something in that moment, be grateful for being able to breathe and be aware of the fear you experience, because you have already realized that you are more and that is an awakening. Fear cannot take you completely if you recognize it head-on and little by little, breathing, you release it, so that the courage, love, trust, and faith that are within you can take greater control over your being. on your mind and you can face situations with greater presence.
It is important not to let ourselves be controlled by fear, because it leads us to take actions and decisions from a very low frequency state. It is common to hear scary information, especially in these times when the world seems so negative but recognize that others also respond from this state by creating more of the same.
Recognize that love is in you to get out of fear. You can choose, you are deeper than fear, go deeper. Use the peace within you that is unlimited. The power is in you.