Free Form Programmable Image Processing with 3D Applications (Part 3)
Free Form Image Processed Shiroma Eijun's Ryukyu Bingata fabric design

Free Form Programmable Image Processing with 3D Applications (Part 3)

?Goal: Anybody with any level of training and skills to employ standard Free Form Image Processing to transform images to something 3D animated!

Otherwise creators need to use 3D modeling software which often takes a life of their own to learn and operate, and even then most users manage to make quite primitive 3D designs by no means attractive to view or of any use!?

In order to give both a technology and design edge to a newbie and something that is most unique to the individual from his or her own already in place content e.g. photos, doodles, paintings, Free Form programmable Image to Mesh was developed.

カブトムシ 幼虫 ♂ Japanese Rhinoceros Beetle Larva


Used my favorite photo of カブトムシ 幼虫 ♂ Japanese Rhinoceros Beetle Larva from Dr. Yuichi KANO 鹿野雄’s article, and then Free Form Image Processed it into a Kaleidoscope form:

Simple dragged and dropped the image into Free Form Editor and And then again Free Form Image Processed it into a 3D spinning large structure:

Free Form Image processor transformed the larva image into a Kaleidoscopic version

Click on the image to view the video

Spinning Kaleidoscope: Japanese Rhinoceros Beetle Larva (male)

Shiroma Eijun was born in 1934 as the eldest son of Eiki Shiroma, the 14th generation of the Shiroma family.?He now runs the Shiroma Bingata Studio with his son, Eiichi Shiroma in Okinawa. Eijun creates contemporary works, refining the techniques inherited from his father Eiki, who had devoted himself to the revival of Ryukyu Bingata in the burnt ruins after the war. He is hugely inspired by the sea, fish, and the abundant nature of his surroundings, as is evident in many of his works which use the beautiful Okinawan waters?as a motif time and time again. Shiroma’s work is truly exquisite, and one can almost feel the salty breeze and refreshing waters of the Okinawan shores while looking at his work.

Click on the image to view the video

Shiroma Eijun's Ryukyu Bingata fabric design

Image Mesh 3D of the Shiroma Eijun's Ryukyu Bingata

Note: The above Image Mesh and the Free Form Image Processing was not touched up and contains many blemishes and imperfections and that is how this form of Free Form expression is meant to be!

Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International Public License

Personal Pictorial Improvs

In contrast, Free Form programmable Image Processing empowers creators to use any of their own personal images or doodles mixed with third party images to readily improvise terrific and sophisticated animated 3D structures, whether applicable for some particular use or not is unimportant. What is important is anyone anytime anywhere, possibly with just a mobile device, with reasonable effort to keep creating highly customized personalized 3D animated designs.?

This approach then provides uniquely user specific content unmistakably distinguished from all others.?


I like to transform my images into animated 3D things without becoming a professional designer!

"I just want to make something of my own that is 3D and animated!"

Why Images?

The largest data generated by human beings is their videos, photos and scans.??

Scan anyone’s mobile phones, anywhere in any culture regardless of age or gender, and it is stuffed with images which other than some minute sentimental values serve no other purpose.

Enter the Free Form Image Mesh technology which in minutes and no installations of any kind empowers phone owners to build their own 3D interactive applications on their phones!

Derivative work: Public Domain Images

An extensive definition of the term is given by the United States Copyright Act in 17?U.S.C.?§?101:

A "derivative work" is a work based upon one or more preexisting works, such as a translation, musical arrangement, dramatization, fictionalization, motion picture version, sound recording, art reproduction, abridgment, condensation, or any other form in which a work may be recast, transformed, or adapted. A work consisting of editorial revisions, annotations, elaborations, or other modifications which, as a whole, represent an original work of authorship, is a "derivative work". Most countries' legal systems seek to protect both original and derivative works


By Derivative Work law, given public domain images, easily downloadable on the internet or scanned from books or other printed materials, can legally be Free Form Image Processed into 3D Derivative Works and re-copyrighted by the new owner for whatever purposes, commercial or not.


H.R. Giger,?Necronom IV,?1976. Courtesy of the H.R. Giger Museum.

Public Domain Image readily downloadable from internet

Free Form Image Processed the 2D Necronom image was transformed into a new 3D structure with programmable elevations under an applicable and 'defendable' new copyright for the creator. This copyright is applicable to the new image processed structures as well as the Free Form scripts and possibly the C# classes for Unity (to animated the elevations) or similarly Python scripts for Blender.

Image Mesh 3D

Free Form programmable Image Processed 3D structure are again fully programmable for variations and animations in Unity

Mighty Doodles!

Briefly adumbrating for now, the pencil drawn doodles are one of the uniquest expressions of human beings; it is not art; it is not written language; yet it is beautiful like an art; yet it is a form of language!

Millions of doodles a day are thrown out, how about using your mobile phone then take a quick photo of your doodle and then Free Form Image process it right on your phone again!

Draw simple pencil or marker doodles

Free Form Image Processing transforms the 2D doodles into full segmented 3D Swept Volumes

Image: Addressable Persistent Cloud Object

Free Programs and their data and their builds and outputs and even their interim local variables are Persistent Cloud Objects. In other words no local file system required to store anything, including the images.?

Drag and drop an image into the Free Form Editor and multiple processes activate:

  1. Image becomes Addressable by all other Free Form and external applications e.g. in C# of Unity (and runtime) or in the Python of the Blender?
  2. Image is Serialized prior to copying into the said Cloud Object
  3. Serialized Image immediately available for any required Image Processing anywhere in the globe for any programming languages/applications
  4. Upon Access: Serialized Image is Deserialized and transformed into Texture-mapped 2D and 3D Meshes, Mesh Boundaries with sorted submeshes according to their geometric area
  5. Image Meshes' companion data are also Deserialized e.g. boundaries or UV coordinates

Image --> Mesh 3D

I admire the free hand pen artworks of Ms. Obata, therefore for the hand drawn Free Form application I sampled one of her many sensual drawings. Her work is ideal to study the natural free hand drawings on coarse paper. By ‘natural’ I refer to the economy of pen movement which to my very scant of Japanese calligraphy is considered an achievement!

In each of her drawings, one unearths a nugget of her presence! Many many people can draw really really well, but a handful can afford to deposit something of their essence in their art. That comes to her effortlessly.?

Note: The large image was included here for the reader to examine the nature of the drawing and the paper and some paper blemishes on the right side to examine the efficiency and importance of Free Form Image Processing.

A pen drawn image, on uneven coarse colored spotted paper

The current version of the Image Mesh Free Form function has built-in Chain of native image processing calls to remove background and cut out the subject matter of the image. While it is not a perfect solution and prone to anomalies, however for most images it delivers a reasonable quality of cutting out. If the need be the Free Form programmer might try to add? their own custom Chains.?

Cut-Out Phase

The background and paper texture removed, snug bounding box cutout and triangulated

Connected Component Phase

Connected Components sorted by area

Boundary Phase

Boundary computation is important for two reasons:

  1. Permits the formations of a hollow volumes swept by the mesh
  2. Allows for hollowed volume’s interior atmosphere and space?
  3. Reduction of triangle counts

Boundary curves of the connect components computed

Swept Surface Phase

Once the Boundaries are computed then we can sweep them along any axis-curve or base-curve, for this version of Free Form Swept Imaging we released only the straight line sweepings since they are quite fast.

Connected Component Swept along a vertical line

Assembly into volume Phase

Clever Mesh computing in Free Form computational geometry cloud systems stitches the few meshes and their boundaries in snug airtight fashion:

Top mesh overlaid over Middle mesh

Exact stitching of the multiple meshes and boundaries into one tightly closed volume

Texturemap Phase

At the final state of Swept Volume construction, the texture mapping ensues.

Final Assembly

Issue: Connected Components require the original image be trimmed to their bounding boxes in order for the UV coordinate mappings to work correctly and therefore the Free Form Image Processing cloud includes such locally trimmed texture mapping.?

This is vitally important since most often there are hundreds of connected components meshes!?

Regionals: Equational Region Math Plots --> Mesh 3D

Free Form programmable blurs the borders between Mesh Regions, Images and mathematical Equational Regions!

Q: What are Equational Regions?

A: Any mathematica expression in the form of Bound variables x, y … and operators like = < > || && and formulas e.g. Sin[x]+Cos[y] is called an Equational Region.

Bound Variables:

To Be Continued ...


Regional: Sin[x^2]*Sin[y^2] < 1/2
Regional: Sin[x^2]*Cos[y^2] + Cos[x^2]*Sin[y*x] < 1/12

Swept Regional: Sin[x^2]*Cos[y^2] + Cos[x^2]*Sin[y*x] < 1/12

Textured Swept Regional: Sin[x^2]*Cos[y^2] + Cos[x^2]*Sin[y*x] < 1/12

Upcoming: Animated Connected Components

July 9th 2024

To Be Continues ...


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