FREE Excel Gantt L1 Schedule
Project Schedule Manager for Executive Level 1 Schedules
So why not just jump into a proper scheduling software right? Well the answer is simple, from a survey I did only 21% of the project professionals had the software at their disposal. Out of those 21% only 50% of the professionals had the software purchased by their company. Bottom line, not all professionals have access to scheduling software especially during top down planning phases or proposal phases.
Here is a unique Executive Level 1 creator for FREE. That’s right FREE.
Ok maybe not everything is for FREE right? You are right, here is how you get it; you have to be a registered user to
& follow this link to download: FREE Excel Gantt L1 Schedule
[which is free and requires no credit card]. That’s it.
Moving on, how do you use it? It’s easy in only 4 steps.
STEP 1 - Fill out necessary Project Information.
Within this tab you can:
o Add Project Details
o Modify the preferred colors ADD more colors and schemes
o Insert your company logo
STEP 2 - Click on Gantt TAB & Select FORM
STEP 3 – Add Tasks
Under entry form you can:
o Here you can Add/Modify/Delete Activities as necessary.
o Select if it will be a Bar or Milestone
o Select Dates
o Set activities to be Tasks or Subtasks
o [note; subtasks will not show up as bars on the Gantt, but will show as descriptions]
o The VBA code recognizes Tasks that have both a Start & Finish Date
Hit refresh Gantt to apply changes.
Print out or Share the Gantt.
This only emulates a level 1 schedule. It does not calculate CPM.
Please read my End User License Agreement & Enjoy.