Free Education in Tanzania
Somesh Kulshrestha
Founder of Arth Shakti Foundation India and Arthshakti Foundation, Tanzania
We, Arthshakti Foundation is doing well for charitable activities and giving awareness and knowledge to get development process for Tanzanian. Tanzania is a country which has poor education system. The cost of higher education much high. Poor people can't get technical education. We are trying to do project in the manner of technical education and skill development.
We want to provide technical education with low cost. And want that Investor and International oragnizations come together and give us strength to get our aim. Tanzania is a developing country with their humble people. Tanzanian are intelligent and honest people. They are following the rules and regulation in proper. If we will provide them education and technology then Tanzania will be a develop country with own resources.
-Somesh Kulshrestha (Founder- Arthshakti Foundation, Tanzania)