Free Drones Saving Lives?
Mark Langley
Founder of / CEO : Advance Service LLC. / CEO: Airborne Works LLC. CEO: DeTech LLC.
When the founders of Airborne Works decided to start the National Public Safety Drone Donation Program, NPS-DDP they knew the technology would prove useful without a doubt. But they had no idea of the different use cases of how the many public safety agencies from across the country would use the technology. Just like no two people are alike, this holds true as well for the applications of UAV/UAS technology.
This most recent request, from a police department (one of the blue pins above) from Rio Grande City in Texas, received this on May 7th and is a must read if you want to understand the breadth and scope of just how drone technology can be applied to help save lives. We wanted to post this particular application as it embodies many use cases that have been presented. Perhaps some we would not otherwise consider, and it also is telling of the REAL need for this life-saving technology. Yet another aspect is the request touches on the savings in man-hour cost, which will also have a positive impact on any departments that would employ the use of UAV/UAS platforms.
The fact of the matter is none of us will ever know when and if we will ever need the services of our brave public safety officials, there to protect us 24/7/365. In this country, there is a fantastic group of people dedicated to helping protect the public, both paid and volunteer departments. When we hear of some person or child lost or drive up on a horrific accident or fire scene or hear the siren of a fire truck, ambulance or another emergency vehicle. How many of us have gotten chills just thinking " I hope that is no one I know!" These unforeseen occurrences including major crime take place every few seconds across the globe.
I think it is fair to say that should an emergency ever happen to us or our loved ones, GOD, forbid it is a real life or death situation! I am convinced we will be hoping, if not praying the first responders will have the right tools and training to get there before it is too late. Drones are those kinds of tools If you read just some of the other pins on the map you soon see the applications are endless and the need is real.
Sadly a substantial percentage of our public safety agencies across the country are overworked and underfunded. We the public that benefit the most from their selfless efforts to help us have not only the opportunity but the privilege and duty to help make sure they have the tools they need! Why not consider a modest donation of funds, time or even a used drone in working condition. Please help to spared the word and support Together we can make a difference one donation at a time.
Help us to put "eyes in the sky for every department in need" TM.
Other ways to help are through the purchase of new discounted hardware from Airborne Works, you can make sure that 5% of the net profits from your sale goes back to support the NPS-DDP can further help in funding more drone donations to departments less fortunate than you. Please note this goes for ALL Government proposals, both federal and municipality as we are registered with and registered FEMA provider.
Rest assured, Airborne Works will strive to meet or beat any price for ANY hardware to ensure that national public safety agencies like yours can get all the tools they need.
Therefore, we request drone manufacturers, payload providers, service, repair providers or private citizens who want to contribute or join us as a corporate donor, please visit and help spread the word about drones to benefit public safety organizations. Or contact me directly at [email protected] Please get involved and help us make 2019 an excellent year for the men and women of the nations public safety agencies.