Free Distant Healing Thursday 28th July 2022 at 9 pm UK time
Janet Lawson
Self-published author, teacher of Angels, Ascension & Lemurian Planetary Healing with the DC School of White Light
FREE DISTANT HEALING – Thursday 28th July 2022 at 9 pm UK time.
Since April 2015, I’ve asked various Beings of Light to connect to people around the world through my Free Distant Healing sessions. As I’m a qualified spiritual teacher of Angels, Ascension & Lemurian Planetary Healing with the Diana Cooper School of White Light, any spiritual information I write about will be connected to these qualifications, unless marked otherwise. Diana Cooper has been able to see, hear and communicate with the various Beings of Light for many years.
You can ask your Guardian Angel to connect you to this healing energy at any time after 9 pm, UK time, on the day of healing. Please scroll further down the post for guidance on how to connect to this Free Distant Healing session. If you want some healing to be given to a person or animal, as well as to yourself, please mention this to your Guardian Angel when you ask them to connect you to this healing session. I don’t use a healing list, as I feel each person should connect through their Guardian angel.
The Beings of Light I’ll call on this week are:
ARCHANGEL METATRON: this huge, divine illumined Being is vast beyond our comprehension and enters our sphere of existence via Helios, the great Central Sun. The divine core of our entire universe. It is in Helios that Metatron creates the light matter that is the foundation of our existence. The various dimensions that we occupy as physical beings are constructed by light vibrating at different speeds and geometric frequencies. Sacred geometry is used to bind this all together and this lowers the frequency, creating the solid world that we see, touch and sense around us. Archangel Metatron is also responsible for the ascension process on Earth, and he is also in charge of the development of the Stellar Gateway chakras of humanity (1).
ARCHANGEL GERSISA: her influence spreads throughout this universe, connecting her energy to our ley lines, and sending white light along them. This helps to keep the whole planet stable and in touch with the latest cosmic news. Archangel Gersisa is also working with a team of archangels to build an energy grid to connect all the stars, planets and galaxies for the new Golden Age. She also clears the energy around our Earth Star chakra so that Source light can pass through it to the centre of the Earth, assisting us to create a solid spiritual foundation for ascension. (2).
ASCENDED MASTER LORD KUTHUMI: he has the role of World Teacher in the inner planes. As Head of the Schools of Learning, he is very interested in all who are teaching spiritual truths. This mighty being is the Doorkeeper of the ancient occult mysteries and is now bringing forward esoteric information to receptive lightworkers as our planet moves forward on its ascension pathway. He is the Hierarch of the spiritual Brotherhood of the Golden Robe (3).
ASCENDED MASTER EL MORYA: Master of Ray 1 – the ray of power, will or purpose, which is about using our divine will rather than our lower will. We must lead by example, not control (3).
ASCENDED MASTER DWJHAL KUHL: he works closely with Lord Kuthumi and is his deputy. He influences people through several of the rays. He is known as Messenger of the Masters and undertakes to teach many of the pupils of the Illumined Ones. He also works with the angels to improve the health of the world, as well as those who channel healing. He is a member of the spiritual Brotherhood of the Golden Robe (3).
Reference books used for this session:
1)????The Archangel Guide to Ascension: 55 steps to the light by Diana Cooper and time Whild
2)????Archangels Oracle Cards by Diana Cooper
3)????A New Light on Ascension by Diana Cooper
This distant healing session can be enjoyed by anybody, regardless of where you live, and you don’t need to register or inform me that you’re taking part. As this healing energy is created by ascended Beings of Light, it will remain active for as long as someone requests to connect to it. This means that you can ask your Guardian Angel to connect you to this healing energy any time after it has been created. You may even feel the Beings of Light connecting to you individually and directly.
With regards to the weeks when I invoke the Beings of Light connected to the different stars and planets, I would like to mention that although we don’t have any knowledge of what kind of energy is connected to the different stars and planets at a third-dimensional physical level, there are Great Beings of Light connected to all the stars and planets and it is this high intelligence that I call on during my healing sessions. I have a close relationship with my Guardian Angel, Spirit Guides, and the group of Archangels that I regularly work with. I also want to say that I take these healing sessions very seriously and before invoking the powerful energies each week, I am surrounded by my spiritual team, and I have asked God to watch over my healing session.
Here is a suggested format for you to follow.
·??????Light a candle in a quiet room where you can relax for at least 10-15 minutes, and dedicate the light to God, Archangel Michael, your Guardian Angel, and the energies invoked for this healing session. If you don’t have a real candle, then dedicate the light from a battery candle.
·??????Sit or lie somewhere comfortable.
·??????Ask Archangel Michael (angel of truth and protection) to step forward, and stand beside you during your healing. This request can be done with your thoughts. When we send a request for the angels to come close to us, they always do, even if we can’t see them.
·??????Ask your Guardian Angel to connect you to this healing energy?( you can ask with your thoughts), and ask that you receive this energy where it is needed for your highest and greatest need.
·???????If you would like healing to be sent to other people or animals, then write their name(s) on a piece of paper, and ask that they receive this healing for their highest and greatest need, and under the Spiritual Law of Grace. This is because that person may have agreed at a soul level to experience a particular challenge or illness in this lifetime.
·??????Close your eyes and relax.
·??????When you feel the healing session has ended, ask Archangel Michael to remove any energetic cords that need to be removed. Old painful memories may be brought forward during a healing session so that these painful memories can be seen from a higher perspective of understanding and forgiveness. Archangel Michael can release any powerful cords that are keeping us attached to those memories, allowing those painful feelings and memories to be released, and the energy of a higher vibration and healing to enter and take its place.
·??????Thank God, the angels, and the Beings of Light for helping you.
·??????Take a drink of water that you have asked God to bless.
Everybody responds differently to a healing session e.g., one person may suddenly feel sleepy, while another person may feel full of energy. You may feel a tingling in certain areas, a cold feeling, or even a warm feeling! You may see images appearing in your mind or a long-forgotten memory may return and if this happens, allow these feelings and memories to be released to God. However, you may feel calm and free of thoughts. Some people find they have strange dreams afterwards and this is also a way of the body healing and shifting stuck energies.
How we respond depends on where the healing is being directed to and what issues need to be shifted e.g., one person may receive healing in a particular chakra, while another person may receive healing in an aspect of their aura. Healing may be sent to the energy of the past we are still holding onto and this can bring forward long-forgotten memories that need to be acknowledged, forgiven, and released. Whichever form this healing session takes, will be the right form for you.
Love and Light
Janet Lawson – qualified spiritual teacher of Angels, Ascension, & Lemurian Planetary Healing with the Diana Cooper School of White Light.
Qualified Usui Reiki Therapist