Free design service
The application design is very important step while building your application. It brings clarity to your idea, clarifies your thoughts and help you understand the user journey. The design is the first step to visualise the idea in reality. It is very important for the mobile app world as screen size is different and no. of the elements which could be adjusted in the web couldn't be done with the mobile.
Benefit of designs are following:
1. Idea clarity
Sometime, we don't have clarity on idea. But when we go for the design, it brings the required clarity to idea. We start thinking about the user journey and steps involved in doing a job.
2. User journey
User journey is very important. The design brings complete clarity to it. What will user do at the time of installation and also while performing any function or activities. It has complete impact on UX of the application
3. UX and UI clarity
We all understand that the UX and UI set the application apart. It is important to have it right and engraved from the very beginning. UX is about the ease of the application, while, UI is about giving the unique look and feel to the application, so that it stands apart.
4. MVP clarity
It brings clarity to the minimal viable product feature set through which the solution can be tested in the market. It is important to launch and test the water as early as possible rather building the huge set of the feature which may not be accepted
5. Design for Small screen The design also brings clarity for the small screen, be it mobile or smart watch, as the expectation and the experience of the user is different, when the application is built for mobile or smart watch.
Keeping these in mind, we have started a free design week. If you signup with us for this week, we will do free designing for you to bring your idea visually live. If you get any idea, write to us at "[email protected]". We will visually bring your idea live, we will share the PSD with you.