Free COVID rapid tests should be offered to everyone--like they do in NYC
I will be reaching out to our Congressional and state legislative delegation urging them to make available COVID tests and KN95 masks for free.?It's being done in NYC but not in the suburbs. And, COVID is spreading rapidly in our area.?
The federal government or NYS?should follow NYC's lead and make available at home rapid Covid tests and KN95 masks for free as a way to?reduce the spread of Omicron which is hitting our nation hard. Waiting on long lines to take the test will discourage people who think they have been exposed from taking the tests --resulting in more viruses. In addition, many medical facilities that offer the tests don't offer rapid tests. Some people won't isolate themselves while waiting for the results.?
The rapid Covid tests should be widely distributed to every local government in the nation and state and localities should make sure that their residents have access to the tests if they need to take the tests.?If the fed's don't take this action, NYS should consider the NYC example.
Greenburgh Town Supervisor