FREE COPYWRITING EVENT TODAY (be there or be square)
It's me (Paula) and yes I never usually write this newsletter...
I can’t believe I’m writing this right now. Guys, it’s me, it’s PAULA.
I’m 21 and I’ve been a member of Word Tonic for a year and a half now (holy fuck, where has the time gone??), and I always love reading the newsletters the community puts out. Because duh. But never in my wildest dream did I think I would get the chance to write one myself.
Anyways, I’m here to chat about copywriting, not to fangirl. BUTTTTT I am holding a free online copywriting call later today at 7pm UK time if you wanna come:
Kinda think of it as a storytime; I'll be sharing my copywriting tips + tricks w/ you and how I got into copywriting at 21 with no experience!
PS. This call will be super chill, so feel free to come w/ your cams turned off?
Copywriting is everything and everywhere. We know this. From a billboard ad about birth control to the side of a VitaminWater bottle.
The range is insane. Which can feel daunting, but really, it just means that, if there’s a product you love or a hobby you participate in, there’s always copywriting involved.
Being a newbie to copywriting is hard. Trust me, I’ve been there. Before Word Tonic, I had no idea what copywriting was (which as an English undergrad student is just crazy to say).
When I first joined, I was overwhelmed and feeling behind. I felt like I should’ve known about copywriting and Word Tonic years ago, and no one had told me. But that feeling quickly went away.The more time I spent on the Word tonic Discord and using all the resources the community provides, the more I realized, almost everyone felt that way. A lot of Word Tonic members were newbies once too.
Everyone starts somewhere, and actually bringing in outside hobbies and previous experiences to your copywriting is vital.?That’s where niches come in.
A niche is a specific copywriting area of knowledge.?For example, say you used to loveeeee playing soccer, or you crochet in your free time, or you play a lot of video games. All of those areas can be copywriting niches.?You could be writing the copy for a soccer-related product like cleats or workout equipment that you’d known about because you used to use it. Your love for the sport gives you an advantage for a project like that.
Since you know it so well, you’re able to write about it like someone else wouldn’t.
Bringing in your personality and outside hobbies strengthen your copywriting. They don’t diminish it.
That’s right. You heard me.
Along with bringing in your outside interests to copywriting, bring in your own style. If you guys are reading this, it’s because something about Word Tonic called your attention.
Maybe it was the bright ass colors or the swearing or the weird memes, but you’re here for a reason. And that reason is Carolyn’s crazy tone of voice. She is one of the voices of the community and it really shines through.
The reason her work is so memorable and unique is because she brings herself to the stage, or to the Google Doc, whatever you wanna call it.?Copywriting should be the same for everyone else. Your unique style and tone should be the reason clients keep coming back to you. Maybe you’re a big reader and romantic (like me), your personal style might be perfect for a dreamy dress shop that’s looking to expand their brand.
The possibilities are endless, and the right gigs and clients are out there waiting for you. So in the meantime, hone in on your personal style, your tone, your language, and you’ll be ready when the right opportunity comes along.
Everything happens for a reason. I honestly believe that.
And the fact that you made it to the bottom of this newsletter is telling lol.
Thanks for coming along on this newsletter journey with me. I’m so honored for the opportunity (see?? I’m telling youuuu), and I can’t thank Word Tonic enough for trusting me and my words for this.?Xoxo Paula
in case you can't make it to the call tonight, listen up...
Maybe you're too busy or whatever and THAT'S FINE...
But if you've been wanting to join Word Tonic but feel NERVOUS AS HELL about it, I'll be live online ALL OF TODAY answering all of your copywriting questions and questions about Word Tonic.
Have a BURNING question about what being a member is like?
Or something that's making you scared to join?
Ping a message and I'll respond to you ASAP x?
To make it easy, we've created a lil Tally Form so feel free to fill it in and I'll reach out to you directly v. soon with my sweeeet answers! x