Free Will, Choice and Responsibility of actions in Business!

Free Will, Choice and Responsibility of actions in Business!

Free will is closely linked to the concepts of?moral responsibility,?praise, sin, and other judgements which apply only to actions that are freely chosen. It is also connected with the concepts of?advice,?persuasion,?deliberation, and?prohibition.

What are the two theories of free will? Two theories of free will are these:

1. Free-will is one in which the person is able to make a choice. They didn’t have to do what they actually did;

2. Free choice is one where the person is the ultimate source of their choice. What you actually decide to do.

Choice. Just because you have the Free Will to make a choice it does not automatically make that particular Choice the correct, moral, legal, right or responsible course of action. We all have a choice. We can choose an inner dialogue of self-encouragement and self-motivation, or we can choose one of self-defeat and self-pity. It's a power we all have.

Attitude. One of the most important steps you can take toward achieving your greatest potential in business is to learn to monitor your attitude and its impact on your work performance, relationships and everyone around you. Being in business is very similar to going on a roller coaster ride, there will be plenty of ups and downs. We will all encounter hard times, heartache, success, failure etc.

The key is to realise it's not what happens to you that matters; it's how you choose to respond. If you maintain a positive attitude, this will be infectious and those around you will pick up on your positive energy. Everyone in your company will feel positive and customers will want to do business with you.

Business Performance. This in turn will lead to you maximising the performance of your business. If you maintain a negative attitude, the opposite is likely to happen. People will not want to be around you, your staff will feel demotivated and customers will not want to buy from you. The result will be that the performance of your business will deteriorate.

What does this mean for business? Business (through its owners) has the free will and responsibility to choose its own direction and is bound by many conventions - including, the law of the land, relationship with customers, relationship with employees, and relationship with suppliers.

The success or failure of the business depends on the success or otherwise of all these choices.

To be continued ....

Peter Nathan

Success Coach empowering future business leaders with actionable strategies and e-books for lifelong learning. Let’s unlock your potential and achieve your business goals together.

2 年

Hi Michael. I agree it is selfish to demand something that you are not prepared to do yourself. Cheers

Michael Rada


2 年

Dear Peter Nathan thank you, not only free will but any "WILL" to change first is frequently missing by many who ask others to change

Peter Nathan

Success Coach empowering future business leaders with actionable strategies and e-books for lifelong learning. Let’s unlock your potential and achieve your business goals together.

2 年

Enhance your #data story with #arrianlg


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