Free Assessment
Patrick Robinson ALCM
I help SMBs implement practical contractor safety management solutions.
Are you a?prime or general contractor striving for excellence in your operations?
Do you want to optimize your contractor management systems for?better?outcomes?
Do you want to know how your systems stack up against best practices?
We have forty years of industry and contractor management experience, and we understand the challenges of managing subcontractor chains. We know the tools and the techniques that work best.
Take our Contractor Management Systems Self-Assessment and see where you stand. Get actionable results for planning your next steps.
Get Started
The assessment covers seven critical categories of contractor management activity:
1. Internal Responsibility System
2. Stakeholder Knowledge
3. Prequalification, Assessment, and Approval
4. Kickoff and Mobilization
5. Monitoring and Reporting
6. The Post-Contract Phase
7. Process and List Maintenance
8. Tools and Technology
Instant Reports - Clarity in Ten Minutes
Activity Value: Not all contractor management activities deliver high value. The Activity Value Report gives a snapshot of the most impactful activities.
Category Report: It's critical to know if there is value-added work being done in each phase of contractor engagement. The Category Report shows the framework of a contractor management system?and your results in each phase.
Pinpoint Strengths and Areas for Improvement: The assessment pinpoints areas of strength and opportunities for improvement.
Get a Comprehensive View: The assessment presents the entire CM framework, helping users understand where individual activities fit in the bigger picture.
Plan for Improvement: Reports are saveable. Use the data to spur conversations with your stakeholders and guide action plan development.