Free Albania
Albania is a unique country in many ways. Anyone who has ever visited the small Balkan state on the Adriatic can confirm this. Even the completely unbiased visitor will quickly notice a few peculiarities about this country. If you drive through Albania's rural areas, you will not only find breathtakingly beautiful nature, but also bitter poverty.
Under Hoxha's leadership, Albania occupied a rare special position in post-war Europe. As a result of his long reign, the workers' paradise he promised in Albania became the third-poorest state in the world.
After the end of the dictatorship at the beginning of the 1990s, the country found itself in a league with the poorest ex-colonies in Africa and Asia.
But Hoxha's legacy means far more to his country. As the only socialist ruler in Europe, he managed to isolate himself from all other popular republics in the world during the Cold War. First he threw himself over his Yugoslav neighbours to prove his loyalty to comrade Stalin.
After Stalin's death he then quarreled with his successors, approached China instead, only to give that up again soon.
At the time of Hoxha's death, Albania had no significant contacts with any country in the world. This, too, was probably one of the reasons for the crazy bunker construction in the country.
When the socialist dictatorship also came to an end in Albania in the early nineties, the country was completely ruined and internationally isolated. To give just one example of the Albanian standard of living and inequalities of the time: In 1990 there were not even 2000 registered cars in the whole of Albania, which of course did not stop the socialist leadership from building a magnificent boulevard in the capital Tirana, so that the party bigwigs could comfortably reach their villas. Today, 29 years later, a similar situation takes place again in Tirana.
Under the governing party, the successor organisation to the communist party Hoxhas, Mustafa Rama, the SP, and its representative in Tirana, Erion Veliaj, many building permits for magnificent buildings are now being granted, in the poorest country of Europe, a new stadium, the old historic theatre is to be demolished, the property with a value of around 240 million euros is being given away to a friendly consortium, which in return want to build a new theatre for around 11 million euros. People are expelled from their homes without expropriation in Tirana to build boulevards. On the other hand, in Albania the water supply and the electricity supply are very poor, corruption, unemployment and genuine hunger characterise the lives of the majority of Albanians. Albania is becoming increasingly isolated, foreign-politially. Does not meet the requirements to start accession talks to the EU.
Everything is very reminiscent of the Communist period under Hoxha before 1989. No wonder, the ruling party of Mustafa Rama is the successor of Hoxha. With one, very serious difference. Hoxha would never have allowed Albania to neglect the Nacro state.
Since the takeover of the Mustafa Rama government in 2013, Albania has become the central network point for international heroin and cocaine trafficking from Afghanistan, Turkey and South America to the EU, with trafficking in human beings and crime on an unprecedented scale.
The future of the proud Albanian nation therefore looks very black, the state is on the brink of bankruptcy. Even Hoxha will probably "turn in his grave".
The rule of law and democracy had developed in Albania and the democratic civil society of Albania in the 1990s and have always been in a changing relationship of tension and complementarity.
The spring of 1993 was very important for Albania, the great development towards Europe, the law on fundamental and human rights was enacted, the UN Human Rights Convention and the provisions of the KSZE - Final Act, minority rights, were transferred into Albanian law, obtaining visa freedom, the establishment of a free and democratic constitution, NATO membership and the envisaged membership of the EU.
These great achievements of the Albanian people, this beginning of Albania's integration into the civil societies of the world are now at stake in 2019 and Albania is facing economic bankruptcy, the most important capital of the nation and the economy is lost, young people immigrate or flee the country, thus the Albanian nation's future is lost.
Both principles, the rule of law and democracy, found together until 2013 in the service of the idea of freedom, which has developed massively apart since the election of the current Prime Minister Rama, especially after the manipulative election in 2017, which was apparently realized with the support of the Mafia, that is, through the formation of a criminal organization, in Europe is also spoken of the Mafia government of Mustafa Rama.
In detail:
Manipulated parliamentary elections 2017
According to the international press, Albanian investigators and international intelligence services have extensive telephone recordings - made by Albanian investigators - available to them, which prove that Prime Minister Mustafa Rama's Socialist ruling party had a systematic plan to manipulate the election in 2017.
According to the news organs, these police recordings also prove: Albania's head of government Mustafa Rama knew about this election conspiracy, so he was part of it. Senior government officials planned the election manipulation and implemented it together with local leaders from the party, state administration and mafia.
The phone calls intercepted by the anti-mafia police also show the participation and complicity of the most influential politicians.
In addition to Prime Minister Rama, whose then Interior Minister Samir Tahiri is currently accused of being a member of the drug mafia, it is the Chairman of the Parliament's Committee on Legal Affairs, Ulsi Manja, head of the Parliament's Security Committee, Xhemal Qefalia, the Secretary General and faction leader of the Socialist Party, Taulant Balla and others.
Even though Albanian investigators have known the recordings for years, even though everything that can be heard on the tapes and has actually happened is punishable under Albanian law, no proceedings have yet been opened against any of the politicians, officials and mafiosi heard on the tapes. No affidavits have been made by the leader of the ruling party and Prime Minister Rama that they have nothing to do with the formation of a criminal organisation.
On the contrary, investigators who were on the trail of the socialist government's links with the drug mafia went to prison without charge or under house arrest and fled abroad.
Some of the cases have now been passed on to small prosecutors who have little experience in investigating mafia structures, the results are predictable, none at all. It can therefore be assumed that the entire political system will be structurally suppressed, with the exception of the Mustafa Rama ruling party.
Illegal municipal elections in 2019
The result of these criminal developments and the absence of the rule of law in Albania: The elected opposition, the Free Albania, did not nominate any more candidates in protest for the local elections planned for June 30, 2019 in large parts of the country.
Free, democratic elections are not possible in the absence of a constitutional state, a democratic system and a nacro-government.
The president of the country, Ilir Meta, dismissed the elections due to the legislative and state emergency in Albania, the Constitutional Court, the Supreme Court, and thus also the parliament was completely eliminated by the government, and published a new election date, 13 October 2019.
The Mustafa Rama government nevertheless conducted the illegal election. The ruling party, SP, was the only party to win 60 out of 61 election seats.
Now, step by step, it turns out that many candidates of the ruling SP party have a criminal past, whether money laundering or massive drug trafficking. A tragedy for Albania's reputation in the world, the ruling party shows its nacro side.
Partly there are resignations, partly the criminal offences are denied.
The OSCE has now published a devastating report on the election, only from a technical point of view.
The issue that there is no rule of law and no constitutional court and that therefore no democratic, equal and free election is possible per se was not addressed, as it did not seem to be an OSCE audit mandate.
Rule of law
The democratic system is currently non-existent in Albania.
Albania is now in a situation in which the Constitutional Court and the Supreme Civil Court have de facto been abolished by the Rama government about two years ago and have de iure been put into a dysfunctional state.
At the same time, corruption in the government's administration and trafficking in heroin and cocaine have increased massively since 2013, and Albania has become the hub for drug trafficking to Europe.
This has an impact on the functionality of the parliament, a controllability of the still government Rama has not been possible for 2 years.
Legal security and transparency are no longer guaranteed, the minimum of a constitutional state does not exist in Albania, caused exclusively by the Rama government, which is also solely responsible for it.
Compliance with the constitution can no longer be verified.
All laws of the government, every action of the government is legally questionable, because it cannot be checked, is therefore completely subject to the judicial review by a constitutional court, if it works once again.
Any sui generis regulations or laws as currently drafted by the Rama government are, moreover, grossly unconstitutional.
If a Constitutional Court and a Supreme Court were to be re-established, there would be a lot to do.
We only have to imagine this once: the government activity of 2 years, all laws, would have to be reviewed. The Rama government is committing a permanent constitutional/legal breach.
In addition, there are about 40,000 outstanding cases.
An Albanian Shakespeare Theatre, with Prime Minister Rama and his family friends at the centre of the action.
The supreme courts would certainly have to be equipped with several hundred judges in order to examine these cases promptly and in accordance with the rule of law.
How this is supposed to work is a mystery. Who thinks that can be organized in 4 weeks has visions and who has visions, should please go to the doctor.
Background is the so-called judicial reform, the result of which is the standstill of the judiciary. It was omitted an intermediate solution to initiate between exchange of the judges and new appointment, cui bono?
As a result, the judiciary, as briefly outlined above, cannot and must not be eliminated under constitutional law. The Constitutional Court and the Supreme Court are so-called permanent organs of the Albanian constitution.
The elimination of the judiciary by the Rama government and thus the destruction of democracy represented an absolute breach of the constitution, an attack on the constitutional order of the Albanian state by the Rama government, which on the one hand would certainly have criminal consequences for the responsible persons, as well as civil law claims for damages, this should occasionally be examined more closely and also leads to a constitutional and legislative emergency of the Albanian state.
European Union
There is a clear political will in Brussels for the six Western Balkan countries to join the European Union. The structural reforms that the Albanian people must pursue are essential - whether the Albanian farmer from the mountains of northern Albania, or the fishermen from southern Albania, or the university professor from Tirana, the Albanians and not the EU, must now decide what they want, a future with prospects, or another as in recent years. Most young Albanians do not want to leave their country, the Albanian families do not want to lose their children, the Albanians abroad want to return to their homeland.
They have one thing in common: they need an economic perspective in Albania so that they can see a future. Albania must now deliver and meet the Copenhagen criteria.
The Rama government has absolutely failed in this matter and it has not even been able to bring about a positive development for Albania at all. In my view, this has also become clear to most Albanians.
The economic situation in Albania is catastrophic, and the Albanian state is facing national bankruptcy.
Increasing shadows - economy, over 40%, increasing shortage of qualified labour, mass exodus of young people, lack of legal security because no rule of law works, massive corruption of government administration, nacro elements, no functioning parliament, destabilized political system, see elections 2017 and 2019, a government that does not abide by the constitution, Drug trafficking, decline in foreign remittances from Albanians, warnings from the central bank about Albania's economic situation, minor successes on the bond market, high Narco economic growth, i.e. no real economic growth, regular foreign investments have sunk to almost 1 digit per mille since Mustafa Rama took over the government in 2019.
The state salaries are paid by credit, by selling possible tax claims of the state in the future to banks and private companies, a second pyramid scandal that will be much more dangerous than in 1997.
These are clear indications that Albania is already insolvent. At the end of 2019/beginning of 2020, there will certainly be even more serious problems before Albania goes bankrupt.
The European Union must also clarify how it can be justified to European voters and taxpayers that European taxpayers' money should be made available to such a structured government. With the current government, there can be no compliance correct verification of the funds used. Even EU employees in Albania are likely to have been offered massive offers from the corrupt state sector. This is why the EU will certainly have to step up its scrutiny of the personnel deployed.
Indeed, if Albanian civil society and the Albanian economy want to have a future, they have to ask themselves the question cui bono, the question is easy to answer, the current situation benefits only Rama and his families, not the Free Albania.
It is important that the Free Albania acts politically. But Albania's economy should also know that it only has a future if it finally gives up the support of the Rama government, it is not too late for it.
Positive effects
The two good news about all the chaos and disaster in Albania caused by the current Mustafa Rama government:
On the one hand, there is a growing civil society, the Free Albania. Since November 2018, hundreds of thousands of children, women, men, old people, professors, farmers, fishermen and students from all regions of Albania have taken to the streets. This is the future of Albania, not the existing political-criminal structure.
Since Free Albania now has very viable economic, legal and social programmes from cooperation with European partners. The democratic opposition has the fullest support of the European People's Parties.
It is a question of helping Albania to achieve stability and laying the foundations for sustainable, integrative growth; jobs, jobs and more jobs are crucial for Albania's future.
Stability is also necessary to ensure that Albania's economy becomes competitive, so that Albania's accession to the EU can be considered at all.
What is even more important, though, is to give Albania, and the Albanian people in particular, more control over their own fate.
This can only be achieved by eliminating the profound structural problems that continue to plague Albania, such as long-term unemployment, a lack of a functioning legal system, weak corrupt institutions, drug trafficking, poverty, hunger, mass flight and organised crime.
On the one hand, the opposition and the representation are demanding new elections for a large part of the Albanian population, since the parliamentary elections in 2017 and thus the election of Prime Minister Mustafa Rama were massively linked by the ruling party, according to the international view, with which the Mafia was manipulated and the election on 30 June 2019 was a constitutionally illegal election and undemocratic election, so that a structural new start can then be brought about in Albania by social consensus.
In a democratic system, elections are always the decisive narrative. In fact, it will not understand the existing government because it has dismantled this legal system and the democratic structure. But it seems that there are very clever and wise members of the ruling party who will turn their backs on Mr Balla, Mr Rama Vilaj, Mr Thairi and others. This will also be the right way, it is hard to imagine before the final criminal clarification of the responsibility of the masters in the matter of the Mafia manipulated election 2017 and the illegal one-party election 2019.
Since the legal system in Albania is functionally neutralized, and the parliament is therefore functionally inactive, the basic conditions for a democratic new election, such as: ensuring a free and democratic election, democratic electoral laws for the local and parliamentary elections, verifiability of these laws by a constitutional court jointly, opposition and government, would certainly have to be brought about jointly.
One format would certainly be a transitory, joint government of national unity in 2019.
The proposal by Democrat Lulzim Basha, who also has a high reputation in Europe, is remarkable and interesting. At the beginning of June 2019, we deliberately held talks with Basha and others and the political and economic elites of our country on several days in Berlin. The EU's economy stands on the side of Free Albania and thus of the friends of the EU and its legal and economic culture, that is good for Albania, that is good for the Albanian families and the Albanian economy.
An election in a state, without a functionally active legal system and without observance of democratic rules and structures and without agreement with the opposition is certainly not something that anyone in Albania wants to carry out; it is a serious situation.
Albania's potential
Albania has a high economic potential, a very valuable culture and very impressive people who are willing to work.
The strategically important location and the mobilizable labour force are only some aspects of Albania's economic potential.
Albania took a large part of its intellectual heritage, its future with it into exile or, to put it another way, abroad through the flight or emigration of hundreds of thousands of Albanians during the time of Mustafa Rama's government.
If the disaster with the Rama government, the lack of the rule of law and the lack of democracy is resolved, there will be a very great flood, a tsunami and Albania's legacy will come back from abroad.
This heir, the foreigners - Albanians are enriched by a new feeling - world and burdened with democratic, emancipated views. The Albanians coming home have absorbed Europe, the United States, Asia, Australia, they have become, according to Mallet du Pan, cosmopolitans against their will, and will then give the experience of Albania, bought from many tears and efforts. I have had many personal meetings and conversations with Albanians in the UK, the EU and the USA over the last few months - they want to come back and take part in Albania's construction.
With them, Albania could benefit from the fourth industrial revolution in the EU and take its fate into its own hands and become strong again. Albania has the potential to become the Switzerland of the Balkans.
To this end, Albania should concentrate on the most important points in 2019 and this is one of the opposition's primary projects. This concept has the potential to achieve these goals, it is therefore very sensible and receives our fullest support.
Albania needs a perspective, a future, a new start for the entire economic and family policy.
Albania needs well-paid jobs, affordable housing and educational opportunities that are affordable for all.
It is also the aim that there should be fewer poor people and a larger middle class in Albania. In the future, the economy in Albania will need a large workforce, for which they need a large middle class in Albanian society. Labour is the capital of the economy. This is the only way to prevent mass migration and the flight of young people because of the lack of prospects.
The Democrats are right to focus on the following sectors:
Social Affairs, where reforms are planned to promote education and families, including the introduction of child benefit and an increase in salaries in the social and health sectors.
Education/culture, investment programmes in the expansion of universities and schools are planned here, the abolition of tuition fees for socially disadvantaged families, the nationwide introduction of the German dual education system with the aim of ensuring that all Albanians have equal opportunities for education.
Economy/infrastructure/finances, this is where economic priorities are set.
The economic priority areas will be supplemented with appropriate support programmes through a fiscal reform ( flat tax system) and the establishment of three special economic zones ( North, Central, South).
Housing market, here too a concept of social housing construction is to be introduced, flanked by housing subsidies for socially needy Albanians, with the aim of producing affordable housing, also for financially weak families and young people.
Justice, restoration of the functional legal system, effective implementation of judicial reform and massive fight against corruption through special task forces in the regions.
In addition there are the following topics:
· Consolidation of trade and investments according to European standards,
· Strengthening the next generation of leaders,
· Building a digital ecosystem to enable the region,
in the Fourth Industrial Revolution.
The role of the private sector is crucial to drive this cooperation forward. Without economic development there will be no tax revenues and thus no expansion of the welfare state and then no prospects for Albania's youth.Entrepreneurs in Albania therefore need maximum freedom, but in compliance with all state laws. Albania does not need nacro-growth, but genuine economic growth.
Albanian companies could easily make fantastic profits in the future, even if they comply with the legal rules. In this respect, they must now decide what they want, an economic downfall or a future in free Albania.
Albania does not need to finance the salaries of state employees by selling tax receivables, but the state must have sufficient revenue.
Partnerships to promote growth and investment will be a key issue on the agenda. Standards such as how they are designed, how the tender is organised and managed are essential for acceptance by the population and for the economic development of the state of Albania.
The existing so-called PPP structures in Albania, the tendering procedures, as well as the monopolization tendencies are strongly in need of correction, they are family contracts of the government Rama with some family enterprises, no PPP contracts. They do not fit into the PPP format that we have effectively developed in Europe over the past 30 years. They are not PPP, let me classify these contracts as family contracts.
Brain-drain of Albania's young population
Albania has many advantages, including in particular its very important strategic location and many entrepreneurial workers. I really believe that Albania will be able to take advantage of the Fourth Industrial Revolution in the same way that the Baltic States were able to rapidly develop their economies based on the Internet economy in the 1990s or Southern Ireland. Smaller economies often have the advantage of being able to make far-reaching changes with more agility and flexibility than larger states. Albania has the potential to become the Switzerland of the Balkans. But in 2019 Albania needs a fundamental political and economic change, otherwise it won't work. The current government has shown that it will not make it politically. Some business enterprises in Albania also have to make political decisions now. It is a very bad deal they made with Rama, bad for the country and bad for their companies and their future. There is still time for a reversal.
Free Albania can accelerate Albania's EU accession process
There is a clear political will in Brussels for the six Western Balkan countries to join the European Union.
The structural reforms that the Albanian people must pursue are essential - whether the Albanian farmer from the mountains of northern Albania, or the fishermen from southern Albania, or the university professor from Tirana, the Albanians and not the EU, must now decide what they want, a future with prospects, or another as in recent years. Most young Albanians do not want to leave their country, the Albanian families do not want to lose their children, the Albanians abroad want to return to their homeland. They have one thing in common: they need an economic perspective in Albania so that they can see a future.
Albania must now deliver and meet the Copenhagen criteria. The Rama government has absolutely failed in this matter and has not even been able to bring about a positive development for Albania at all. In my view, this has also become clear to most Albanians.
Albania will only benefit from joining the EU if it is able to compete with other countries and if it is important that Albanians do not all emigrate.
What is important is that accession to the EU could perhaps cushion the impact of a solution that Albanians must first find.
Prospects for development through Free Albania
People in Albania are increasingly orienting themselves towards the doubters, the unadjusted, the uncomfortable, all those who ask questions and do not avoid them; this has become apparent in recent months in Albania during the demonstrations and the lively political discussions. A spirit that is hardly discernible in Northern Europe.
It is a solidarity of the community, of the Free Albania, to feel the unconditional will to ensure that the Albanian nation has a peaceful and prosperous future, a change of perspective in thinking and on the streets is currently taking place in Albania, very impressive.
The opposition, the Free Albania, is giving new impetus by showing the Mustafa Rama government the red card because of the destruction of the rule of law and the massive corruption and electoral manipulation, its mandates in Parliament and demands to think again in Albania. This was a very courageous and democratic step by the Albanian opposition.
A very impressive development, a Free Albania has developed nationally and internationally in recent months, which now offers a perspective for Albania's progressive, democratic development.
It becomes clear that the Albanians know that they alone are responsible for shaping their future as an Albanian nation and that they alone must make the fundamental decisions, not the foreign country or a foreign politician, or another country, that they only have one chance for the development of their country, their proud nation.
This democratic and special development in Albania is due to the elected opposition under the courageous chairman Lulzim Basha and to Albania's civil society.
A great, democratic development has taken place there in recent months, which has not yet been sufficiently considered and appreciated by the world public. Too much attention has been paid to so-called stability and to the autocrats, the rulers.
On the other hand, there are also wise and intelligent men and women in the ruling party, the SP, with whom intensive talks have been held in recent months, with whom the policies of the government of Ramas, Ballas, Velia, the executive committee of the SP, which is directed against the Albanian nation, no longer want to participate, who want to have a future in Albania, in freedom, democracy and the rule of law, in the community of civilisations.
These two groups, representatives of the ruling party and of the Free Albania, now want to stop the actions of this autocratic government Rama and his junta and the disregard of the constitution in the interest of Albania's future. This is a very good development.
Albania has a very impressive and valuable culture, of which the Albanians can really be very proud. There was a special, peaceful coexistence between the religious communities. That can greatly enrich Europe. It has women and men who want to tackle and carry the idea of Europe in their hearts and minds. The country itself has an interesting economic situation and resources. Albania has the potential to become the Switzerland of the Balkans.
The opposition has a substantial and modern economic and social programme, in which we have participated, which will make this development possible. This would also make EU accession more realistic, which is unrealistic for the current Rama government if a fundamental political change takes place in 2019.
The new Europe has a nucleus in Albania, civil society/opposition now, together with clever representatives of the still governing party, has the task of to close the gaping wounds of the last five years. In order to heal them, the wisdom and wisdom of Albanian civil society is now needed, it is possible to change the course of political change in 2019 and bring the Albanian nation into a future within European civil societies.
On this road we have to take everyone with us, the Albanians, the economy. Europeans should recognise that so far all talks with the Rama government to resolve the conflicts have been blocked or inconclusive, a situation similar to Venezuela. The Rama regime ultimately uses such opportunities for talks to gain time and legitimacy, hence the increased interest in starting accession talks with the EU. In this respect, the opening of accession talks at the present time would be absolutely counterproductive for democratic development.
We therefore also need the attention of those who, from a distance, observe, analyse, give advice and make connections, without judging, with European friends.
Another chapter in the history of Albania, a country that thinks big by starting small again, would be opened by the opposition to offer Albanians new opportunities and make Albania a better place.
Television Producer
5 年Hi, Why you call PM "Mustafa Rama"