Free 2025 and 2026 Patient Revenue Projections Calculator
Forecasting patient net revenue is like using a magic eight-ball: you're not getting clear or trustworthy results. Better and more dynamic patient revenue forecasting can boost any healthcare organization, enabling the clear decision-making that impacts any organization’s financial performance.
But why is forecasting in patient revenue important? Forecasting doesn’t just impact financial management. It also helps healthcare professionals with everything from deciding on a course of treatment to managing staffing issues. It allows providers to make more confident decisions in all aspects of their business.
What Is Patient Revenue Forecasting
It involves estimating how much money your organization will bring in from its services over a period of time. To do this, you have to look at the state of your healthcare business as well as previous performances.
You must also consider forces outside your business, including your competitive landscape and economic trends. To start the revenue forecasting journey, you have to dive into calculating gross and net revenue. Gross healthcare revenue is simple to define; it's the sum of your billed charges.
Calculating net healthcare revenue requires extra steps. Take your payments and divide by charges minus contractual and adjudicated adjustments and you'll find your net revenue from patients and insurance payers.
Key Revenue Forecasting Models In Projecting Patient Revenue
The healthcare industry uses a few types of revenue forecasting models. Rolling Forecasting, Time Series Forecasting, Budget-Based Forecasting, etc. We are going to focus on Scenario Forecasting.
Scenario Forecasting
Scenario forecasting involves creating a number of financial scenarios to have a better idea of how certain events or conditions can affect your organization’s net revenue.
Scenario forecasting helps to develop contingency plans for dealing with challenges and opportunities that the scenarios might create.
Cost Efficiency Through Forecasting
Forecasting in healthcare and cost efficiency go hand-in-hand. By accurately predicting future costs, organizations can take proactive measures to mitigate risks while making informed decisions for the future.
Accurate data collection and analysis are some of the key components of effective cost-efficient forecasting. In order to forecast efficiently, you'll need precise, repeatable, and fine-tuned measurements.
This Excel spreadsheet calculates the projected patient revenue for the years 2025 and 2026, taking into consideration, Number of Days Open, Patients per Day, Ticket Projection, etc.
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