In a continued show of shame in an on-going matter Britain's giant energy supplying organisation, British Gas, once again, has confirmed that the United Kingdom runs a Fraud-Based Economy.

As a British Gas Customer for well over a decade one had paid quarterly bills.

The last quarter bill paid up in full without dispute was the June to September bill issued on the 11th of September, 2024 for 76.53 as seen in the image below:

Bills showing 11th September bill 2nd from top for £76.53 which was settled in full.

As a custom of one with British Gas on October 23rd, 2024 one paid a credit payment of £30.00 being advance payment for the next quarter bill of October to December, 2024.

The Fraud started however, on November 6th, as British Gas sent a message notification for a bill of £37.70 being a monthly bill for September to October (one month).

Once again, this 6th of November, £37.70 bill can be seen at the top of 'your bills & Invoices' list by British Gas in the image below:

Since one pays quarterly, not monthly, this September to October (one month) monthly bill was wrong.

Resultantly, later in November one engaged in a chat with a British Gas Adviser, one Tanveer.

Tanveer confirmed that the Monthly bill of £37.70 for September to October was issued before the quarterly bill and was wrong.

He confirmed that one did not have to pay it. That rather one should wait until the quarterly bill of October to December and then pay.


The question for British Gas however is should one pay for the same bill twice?

How can you be asked to pay for a monthly bill and be asked to pay for the same month period again in a quarterly bill that cover the month some time later?

If November 6th bill is for September to October and the forth-coming quarter bill is for October to December it means the monthly bill is also part of the quarter bill and one is being asked to pay for the same month (September to October) twice!

Rather, the monthly bill for November 7th (September to October) of £37.70 is erroneous and should have been cancelled (since one does not pay bills monthly).

Instead, the quarterly bill October to December which would cover the three months of September to October; October to November and November to December should be issued when due (in January.

One had made it clear in the chat with the British gas Adviser, Tanveer that one pays for one bills as credit payments in advance. That one had already paid £30.00 on October 23rd and that one would still pay another credit payment in November before the quarterly bill is issued in January 2025.

On November 19th, British Gas claimed to move over to a new platform system.

One receives Universal credit every 22nd of the month so on November 22nd, as is one's custom, one pays another credit payment being for £25.00 to British Gas.

This is a total of £55.00 credit payment against the October to December quarterly bill as seen in the image below under payment history.

However, on November 26th, to indicate that British gas planned to defraud one, an email was sent acknowledging the chat with Tanveer earlier a but stating that the bill one had chatted about (£37.70 for September to October issued on November 6th) was issued and could not be cancelled.

Imagine, British Gas is saying that though they agree that my billing frequency is quarterly, the £37.70 bill that was issued on November 7th for September to October (a month) is the final bill for the old billing account.

They then stated as seen in the email above that they cannot cancel it?

Are they going to expect me to pay for this bill (one month) and pay for the quarter bill which also includes the same month (September to October) when the quarter bill is issued?

Unknown to me at the time, while I was busy battling British Gas over this erroneous £37.70 monthly bill issued on November 6th (because of a so called platform system change instead of waiting till the end of the quarter to issue the quarterly bill) another monthly bill for the same month period (September to October, 2024) was issued the day after (November 7th) for £5.98 and sent to me via email:

The date of the email and the month period it is meant for (September to October - the same month for the £37.70 bill) can be seen in the screenshot below:

2nd November 7th email bill screenshot

I did not get to learn about this second monthly bill for the same September to October monthly period until I engaged in another chat with a British Gas Adviser, one Rapali, after I had been sent an estimated bill of £97.... for the quarter of October to December on January 23rd.

on the 18th of January (as seen in the screenshot of my email list below), I was sent an email by British Gas to send across my meter reading for my quarterly bill:

However, before I could respond, by the 23rd of January (five days later) a statement/bill was generated by British Gas and sent to me.

The statement/bill was for £ estimated bill for the quarter of October to December 2024.

(Remember two bills, a monthly bill of £37.7 for September to October and a bill of £5.98 for the same period (September to October) had also been issued, being months within this same quarter in question.

The Quarter bill of June to September for £76.53 had already been paid. So I was now to be issued and pay the next quarter bill of October to December.

The monthly bills issued were repetitions of periods within these quarters and should have been cancelled.

British Gas did not cancel them and wants me to pay both the quarterly bill of October to December and the monthly bill of September to October issued within it.

Even the issuing of the email requesting for my meter reading and the estimated bill issued five days later on January 23rd is faulty.

Usually, British Gas would request for one's meter reading, giving one 14 days notification and give one a seven days reminder after that before estimating the bill.

This time around on the fraudulent new system, the 14 days notification and seven day reminder were cancelled and an estimated bill was generated in five days:

The estimated bill was for 97.05 issued on January 23rd as seen below:

On the 24th of January, one sent a meter reading of 22563.

Then on January 25th one chatted with another British gas Adviser, one Rapali, asking that my bill should be based on the accurate meter reading.

Rapali told one that the estimated bill was generated on the 23rd of January because my bill date is on the 22nd (the day one gets paid by Universal Credit- something fishy is already going on here).

He said henceforth, if one does not respond with the meter reading by the 22nd, an estimated bill would be sent out (different from how British gas operated in the past. Was the system now being redesigned specifically to disfavour me).

He agreed to adjust my bill to my meter reading just this once and arrived at a new bill less of £17.26 as seen in the first January 25th bill below:

He the told me I was in debit of £30.77

I told Rapali that a debit of £30.77 was wrong.

First, I had paid £55.00 credit in advance for the quarter.

Also. I had made serious adjustment to my energy usage to reduce my electricity bill for the quarter as since from November I switched all of my devices off from the socket mains all day except for when I used them.

In the past had left them on all day.

He insisted so I asked to see my payment history.

The £5.98 that he refers to in the last paragraph in the screenshot above is the £5.98 September to October 2024 monthly bill (one of the two false monthly bill issued, the other being that of £37.70) issued on the 7th of November:

The British Gas Adviser, Rapali, goes on, but none of the figures he call are accurate regarding my last transaction payments

I tell him the payment figures he has quoted are wrong. He sends to me what he says is my payment and bill history. This again is false and wrong:

Below is the payment and bill history that the BG Adviser sent:

A closer look at this payment history sent across reveals it is wrong.

What is wrong with this transaction history is:

1) The energy charge for £37.70 of 6th November is the false monthly bill of September to October charged within a quarter.

How can you charge a monthly bill in a quarter and charge the same period in the quarter bill at the end of the quarter as well?

That would mean I am being asked to pay for the same monthly period twice?

This monthly bill should have been cancelled as I pay quarterly and the period in question would be included in the quarter bill.

2) The £5.98 listed as miscellaneous document is false. This is the £5.98 that was also issued as a monthly bill for September to October, 2024 and sent to my email.

How come it is now seen as a miscellaneous document and carried over.

This £5.98 and the £37.70 bill for November 7th are erroneous monthly bills that should have been cancelled.

3) My credit payments of £30.00 for October 23rd and £25.00 for November 23rd, totalling £55.00 are not included in this transaction history.

How can a transaction history up till the 23rd of November (23/11/2024) be generated without two transactions within the period ( for 23/10/2024 and 23/11/2024) not be included if this is not fraud!

The payments are listed under payment history on the British gas site so why are they not included in the transaction history used to generate the balance carried forward to the new system platform.

I raise this matter in another round of chats on 5th of February (yesterday) with the British gas team.

First they offer to cancel the £5.98 charge of November 7th without bothering to mention the £37.70 charge of November 6th which is included in the transaction and bills history transferred to the new system platform.

Then they claim that they do not have access to the information on the old platform system?

The same information that BG Adviser, Rapali, who I discussed with on January 25th (ten days ago when we chatted) and that he sent to me via a link.

They are now asking me to call a number to speak to someone on the old platform system as they can't access the information.

In fact one Adviser, that I chatted with on the 5th of February sent three bills to me (the top three bills) with different totals:

How fraudulent British Gas and the UK is:

Another Adviser one Sonam sent across the top three bills. How can you send three bills when we are talking about one quarter bill?

Again, how can a British gas Adviser send across three bills with different figures when we are referring to just one quarter bill?

I spent virtually the whole day yesterday (5th February, 2025) and chatted with about a dozen BG Advisers (they kept cutting me off or transferring me to someone else).

I had even spent hours with one Aditi who mentioned giving me £10.00 compensation for the erroneous £5.98 charge (no mention of the £37.70) before it was disconnected.

They were all avoiding cancelling the false £37.70 bill issued on November 6th which was used to erase my £55.00 credit deposit before they transferred over to a new platform system.

Below, is in part my chat with Rapuli on January 25th who made it clear that the £37.70 and £5.98 figures were factored into the balance carried over to the new system to inflate my quarterly bill.

I'll continue to discuss with them today (6th February) to get this fraud matter sorted out.


Julien Brault

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3 周

Great read!


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