Franks Friday Broadcast - 4 December 2015
Good News! The Friday Broadcast is now available from within the Scanning Software. We have added another icon to the last box on the right hand side, so click on this button in future to access the Broadcast.
Franks Friday Broadcast 4 Decembeer 2015. Good afternoon, the All Ords 5201 -down 43 on the week, pretty heavily down Friday but a fair bit of buying interest right on the close. For the financial year we are down about 262 points or -4.8%. For the calendar year we are down 202 points which is -3.7%
Frank ran through some stocks which have excellent dividends and performing well before running a 55 Break Out with a difference. He went to Scanning tools, Patterns and Events and ticked 55 day break out and included these Filters: 0.01c - $12 - 1/2 million dollars in the last week - ignore anything less than 280 days, show results that have traded in the past day, exclude intra day data and tick weekly data. Bear in mind we are looking at weekly data looking at a 5 year chart. There were some interesting results, some he considers red hot, run them yourself and listen to this Broadcast simultaneously.
When running a Weekly Scan it is interesting how it smooths everything out, it's not anything we weren't aware of, certainly if you have a weekly break out co-inciding with a daily break out - I think that will be very interesting. Weekly and more so monthly takes even more noise out of the market. I will say you could be in for higher returns and the old adage applies "the higher the return the higher the risk" On a weekly Scan you just have to give your stocks more room. We will learn more from Peter1 in Bali - so please RSVP now. We have a fantastic line-up in store for you!
The Forum has been very active so please join us - contact Deb if you need your log in details. I posted about our Bali Workshop yesterday - it's on the 26 to 28 February 2016 in Seminyak. 'Peter1' followed up on my post and I asked Peter to come along and share some of his pearls of wisdom with us in Bali; I'm delighted to announce that he has accepted. In his post he mentioned that he too,is looking at weekly data. Make sure you join us in Bali - you will learn a lot from Peter.
As noted by a valued Contributor on the Forum a lot of the media groups are looking healthy and Frank showed some examples, he's not sure why except they are coming from a pretty low base.
What an interesting session, Frank has given me a list of stocks I'll be keeping my eye on daily as I look for the next opportunity to make a good profit.
So, if you aren't a Member of Pro Trader - Why not? Ask for your Free Trial at the web site or call me now. I love hearing from Traders and Beginners, we love to help - Two years ago I was a Beginner too and just look at me now.
Spots are filling fast for our workshop but I really hope you will join us. Tickets are just $895 + GST and there's a discount if you book and pay prior to the 10th January. Couples get an even better deal so please book now. Thankyou and have a fantastic trading week : ) Deb.