Back in 2012, I had this incredible dream. It was very realistic and precise prophetically speaking in what God was about to do in America. In this dream, God showed me the coming gathering of souls. I also saw the lamb slain before the foundation of the world and drank of his living blood. God also revealed to me the separating of the Harlot Church and His Holy Church!
This morning after church service one of my parishioners (Dorothy by name) came to me holding within her hand a letter from Franklin Graham. She said pastor, - Franklin Graham sent this to me and it reminded me of your dream. I looked at the paper that had the dream written on it. Amazingly it was my dream. Every bit of this dream that Franklin Graham shared was the one I had posted on the Internet.
He had removed at the bottom of the page my name, (which is perfectly all right). He did not claim that it was his dream. He simply sent the dream that God had given to me to everybody on his mailing list. It amazes me how God is able to take that which he gives to his people and distributes it like Christ did with the loaves and the fish. NOW HERE IS THE DREAM I HAD!
I would like to share with you an amazing visitation that I had on February the 20, 2012. On the 18 of February, I celebrated my 56th birthday. The 37th year of being born again. (I have been a pastor since 1977) I set my heart to seek God, trusting to totally separate my mind, my heart, completely free from all knowledge but God's Word, and only that information which I need in order to fulfill the will of God. From the minute I set my mind and heart to be completely given over to the Lord, great anticipation and expectation began to rise in me. On the third day, I went to bed meditating on God's Word. The dream I am about to share with you was more than a dream. All of my five senses and physical being experienced that which I am about to share.
In this Dream I found myself standing outside of a small town on top of a grass-covered hill. Other saints (some that I am familiar with) were gathered together there with me. (There were seven to a dozen of us). The stars were shining brightly from above. There was no moon this particular night. It was a beautiful warm summer evening. You could hear the nightlife all around us. The crickets and frogs were joined together in their song. As I was standing there with the gathering of these saints, I sensed in my heart that something astounding was about to happen in the heavens above us.
I perceived that the heavens were about to be shaken. I perceived in my heart that it was necessary for all of us to immediately get on our backs, and look into the heavens. When I shared this with those who were gathered together with me on the Hill, they all agreed and we immediately laid down on our backs. Within just a matter of minutes, the heavens above us exploded into activity. It was as if a great battle was unfolding in the heavens. There was destruction happening throughout the sky as if it was in great travail and pain, and yet that there was a birthing, a coming forth of life and a new heaven.
What we watched unfold before us was mind-boggling and dumbfounding. Frightening and yet exhilarating. It seemed to go on for hours. And as fast as it had begun, it was over with. All of us present slowly arose to our feet. We were so overwhelmed and dumbfounded with what we saw that none of us could talk. We were utterly speechless. Our hearts were filled with wonder and amazement. I perceived that all who were present knew that God was revealing himself to the human race in a way He had not previously demonstrated. That God was doing something in the heavens and the earth that humanity had not yet seen or experienced.
We all dispersed from the hilltop slowly going our own separate ways. I found myself on a sidewalk beginning to enter into a small community. The streets were filled with people looking into the heavens. I could see great fear filling the faces on those who were speaking back and forth to one another in whispers about
what could all of this mean? I continued to walk down the sidewalk not speaking to anyone. The atmosphere was filled with a sense of great fear and anticipation.
As I entered deeper into this town, once again I sense that something was about to happen. (Now this is where it really begins to get interesting.)The minute I perceived something dramatic was about to happen I stopped. There were tall buildings off to my right and left hand, which you would typically find in a small town.
I looked up into the heavens, and it seemed as if to me the heavens were made from a parchment. I watched in amazement as if an invisible hand was rolling up the heavens like they were a newspaper or a parchment. And then as if the heavens were insignificant, it was set aside as if it were nothing.
The minute this took place behind where the heavens had been there was now an innumerable multitude of the heavenly host. The Saints of all ages dressed in glistening white were gathered with the angelic armies behind them. In the midst was the Heavenly Father sitting upon a great white throne. God the Father was so huge in size that all else looked small in comparison. All of those who were present including the Father seemed to be looking off to my right.
As I looked in the direction in which they were gazing to my amazement there was the Lamb of God. His wool was glistening white as snow. He was lying upon His side as if He had been slain. His backside was away
from me, His underside toward me. And out from His rib, it seemed to be His third rib, from his side flowed a stream of bright shimmering living, quickening blood. Directly in front of His body there had formed a pool of this living blood. I knew there was no bottom to this pool of blood. It is hard to explain what I sensed in my heart as I looked upon His, the Lamb of God's precious living blood.
As I was looking upon this pool of precious blood, I felt something manifest itself in my right hand. I looked down, and there in my right hand was a branch, a ROD. (This was the specific word that came to my mind)This was not just any ordinary Rod. It was absolutely straight, and it was made of Olive Wood, seemingly seven feet tall. (These are things I just knew to be true)
Immediately I knew what I was to do with this Rod in my right hand. I lifted this Rod towards the pool of blood in the heavens. To my amazement, it seemed to be just the right length to reach into the blood. This blood was in the heavens, and yet this seven foot Rod was able to reach the precious blood of Jesus.
I put the end of the Rod right into this pool of living blood. The blood immediately flowed to the end of the Rod. This living blood wrapped itself around the end of the Rod as if it was in absolute oneness with the Rod. Then with my right hand, I pulled the Rod back towards me. Once the Rod was back into my Realm (I do not know how else to explain it). I directed the end of the Rod towards my mouth. It looked as if the blood was
going to fall off from the end of the Rod. But not a drop fell to the ground.
I opened my mouth wide and stuck the end of the Rod with the Living Blood into my mouth. I drank all of the blood which had been on the Rod. The very moment that I drank the blood, it was as if Power exploded inside of me, knocking me flat on my back like a dead man. It slammed me violently to the ground. I cannot properly express how drastic and violent the power of God hit me.
As I lay on the ground, my sight had become slightly dim. I saw a figure of a man walking towards me from the left. He seemed to be wearing the brown robes of a Prophet. I knew in my heart he was a Prophet. I could not see his face because there was a foggy glow that was emanating from his face. A bright light was shining from behind him. He stopped in front of me. And he said to me, Stand upon Thy Feet O Son of Man. The minute these words left his mouth it was like as if someone grabbed me violently by my shirt collar, and jerked me to my feet. My whole body was trembling and weak.
After I was on my feet, this Prophet held out a small wooden bowl made of acacia wood. (This word came to me in my mind) I can still see the bold white and brown grains swirling around that bowl inside and out.
The Prophet commanded me to eat of its contents. I looked into the bowl, and there in the bottom were approximately a dozen almonds. They were sliced long
ways in very thin strips. They were moist and slightly green. I reached forth my right hand because the Rod was now in my left hand. I scraped up about half of these almonds strips and stuck them into my mouth. As I completed this task the unknown Prophet turned his back on me and walked away.
As I chewed these almonds strips they released a very bitter taste in my mouth. And as I chewed these almonds and swallowed, all that was around me suddenly disappeared. I found myself looking into the heavens again. But now there was nothing but darkness above me. The heavens were totally empty of all-stars and lights. Nothing but empty blackness as far as my eyes could see.
I noticed a motion off to my right. I saw like a small seed of light beginning to be formed. As it began to grow, I saw that it was a letter. The Letter was an H. as the letter H. continued to grow, blood was covering it, flowing into it, out of it, and through it. It was filled with the brilliant shimmering living, quickening blood of Jesus Christ. I knew that it was the blood which I had drank. This H. was living, active and growing.
I also noticed a motion off to my left. There in the darkness was another H. forming and growing. But this letter H. had a sense of evil and darkness about it. It was covered and dripping in a putrid, dead and stinking blood. As each one of these letters continued to grow, there was a separation taking place. They were growing farther and farther apart from one another. The letter H. to my right was filling the heavens with light, love, and life. But the H. to my left was filled with deception, death, and misery.
As I continued to watch this unfold before my eyes, suddenly the voice of God came thundering from the heavens. This is what I Heard Him Say to me:
My Holy Church!
I knew he was speaking pertaining to the H. on my right-hand side. After a pause he said
The Harlot Church!
This he was speaking pertaining to the H. on my left-hand side.
I began to weep uncontrollably in my dream. I knew in my heart that it was 3 AM in the morning. As I opened my eyes, (wide awake) tears were rolling down my face. It was 3:12 in the morning.
Let him that has an ear, hear what the Spirit is saying to His Holy Church!