The Frankenstein’s Monster of Artificial Intelligence (AI) by Adnan Qaiser

The Frankenstein’s Monster of Artificial Intelligence (AI) by Adnan Qaiser


Having seen the movie Frankenstein’s Monster, my first reaction at the onslaught of the Artificial Intelligence (AI) was that if human beings are not perfect, how could their creation be termed flawless.

Frankenstein, or The Modern Prometheus?had been an 1818’s?Gothic novel?written by?Mary Shelley.?It is a story of?Victor Frankenstein, a young scientist who creates an eight feet tall human lookalike creature with “sapient” characteristics through an unconventional scientific experiment. The Monster, later, goes frenziedly berserk and out of control causing destruction.

My second objection was a “logic-driven” AI’s lack of “emotional sensitivity” and “social cognition” (emotional and social quotients) to perform tasks equivalent to those undertaken by Homo Sapient. ???

Derived from Latin words, “homo” means human and “sapience” means “transcendent wisdom” or ultimately wise and astute beyond or above the range of normal or physical human experience.

Enlightened with sagacity and discernment, sapient act with appropriate rationality, sensibility and compassion towards other living beings.

However, as technology leaps at break neck speed, AI, seems all set to surpass human intelligence.

Laced with complex computation, access to material and social data (information) and machine learning algorithms, besides carrying the collective human intelligence, cognitive responsiveness, and conscious awareness, AI can augment human consciousness and its decision making ability, if properly used.

The question, however, lingers that similar to spycraft’s practice of devising an “elimination plan” of an “asset” the same day of its creation, would AI be “destructible” if it turns into yet another Frankenstein’s Monster?

Perhaps, only time will tell.

Meanwhile, enjoy my poem on our astounding technological progression.

~ An Ode to Artificial Intelligence (AI) ~


Innovations, advancements … and technological progress

Are all pretty astounding … Qaiser … I admit and confess


Man’s intelligence fabrication … keeps captivatingly impress

But here I sit … and somberly watch … human created mess


This earth is torn asunder* … falling into an abyss*

Would peace ever arrive … is anybody’s guess


In perpetual grief and suffering … people live in distress

With no hope in sight … future remains depressed


What the world calls progression … is actually regress

With folks being suppressed … where you find success


To the notion that we flourish … respectfully I digress

Happiness every moment … gets robbed … dispossess*


With wars and conflicts all around … what do you profess*?

As life gets less and less … unblessed … we lose this chess


~ Adnan Qaiser, Nov 2, 2024 ~

Aik Nazm Aap Kee Bazm?


* Torn asunder means violently ripped apart into many pieces

* Abyss means deep bottomless pit, catastrophic situation

* Dispossess means deprive or cheat of property

* Profess means claim


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