France, we can build the EU without you

France, we can build the EU without you

France is the problem. France is blocking enlargement since 2013 Croatia EU Membership France is determined not to let new EU Members into EU before 2030 at the earliest. France is blocking the EU Potential Candidate Status of Ukraine, Moldova and Georgia to appease Russia and in the assumption all those Eastern Europeans are just Germany proxy votes and must be blocked. France is messing up our relation with the UK for a few stinky fish. And France was very much the reason we did not conclude TTIP when we could before 2015 once of the central reasons the UK left and the nefarious referendum was lost. France protectionism and refusal to align Europe stronger with the USA economy was key to losing the first ever member of the EU, the UK. And France went ballistic when their foul deal with Australia went bunkers which France concluded in a long gone past, shared the manufacturing contract with none of the EU allies and then messed up our relation with the USA – our main Ally and protector since end of World War very much to the joy of our enemies in Russia and our competitors in China. So, France is very much the problem. And now with election comping up and a number of fully confused candidates even the very confused Macron looks reasonable compared to the rest available who seem all determined to be very a bigger problem for European and the Free World. So, it is time to say clearly, we can do the EU without France. Yes, it is more expensive to share the costs of the EU but as we have seemed in case of the UK it can be done. France will not leave the Customs and Currency Union and even if, fine we can manage as 26 and we can include faster the 65 Million from Ukraine, Moldova and the Balkans and that is just fine. Not perfect for sure and complicated and costly but it can be done. France left NATO in 1967 and NATO is just fine. France is blocking everything in Brussels and so without France in the Political Union we can align better with the USA and the UK and maybe the UK will even come back once France is gone and with France all those French protectionism, populism and lousy leadership. ?The UK would be welcome if the UK adopts the Euro first, that should be the condition as we have enough of those Ex Empires with a post-colonial inferiority complex required nationalistic hyper compensation as we had with the UK in the past and with France today. No there will be no French Europe and no the EU is not a tool for French delusions of grandeur. No, no no!


Yes, to a European France

Best though if France changes and transforms into a European France. A normal and less important member state of a stronger European Union. How to get there as France will certainly not change. Well it is quite simple. We need to get the 9 new members in the EU and so dilute the voting power of France and disengage the Germans from the French and so make sure France is no longer in the blocking majority in the European Council. This is exactly why France is not in favor of allowing new member in the EU as Pollical union with voting rights. Paris understands that in the European Union of 36 or 37 with the UK France will have relative less power and Paris will not be able to hold Europe hostage to its failed concepts of mercantilism, protectionism, populism, appeasement and Anti-Americanism.?And to be clear this is not the main reason for EU enlargement. Including all Europeans is a moral and historic and political and economic obligation of an entity calling itself European Union. It is not the French Union of Europe or the Union of the Rich Europeans. It is called European Union for a reason and the reason is to have offer all Europeans such a stable political and economic framework. But the side effect is that France will be less dominant in the EU of 37 and that is just fine as we built the EU not to have one country dominating the rest, not Germany, not Italy and not France. A fair, open and strong Union caring for consensus and representing all Members and making sure all stay in and feel good about it. It is not a Union of Force but a Union of Values, of equality between Member States and of rights for each member and not a tool for France to lecture and dominate or project power to Africa or make deals with Australia or Russia.


France, get real! It is an American Europe not a French Europe

No, nobody wants France to leave the EU. But we want a France helping us and not blocking Europe. So what needs to get done? First, we need to improve our relations with the USA by the EU joining NATO and getting an FTA done with the USA. We have an FTA with Communist Vietnam and not with our main ally USA? That is clearly wrong and must be fixed now. Yes, TTIP is hard to do but if we had done it the UK might not have left and we would be much richer and better off. And yes, the EU neutrals make NATO and EU relations difficult but it is time to be bold and Austria, Sweden, Finland, Malta and Ireland and Cyprus cannot determine European defense priorities and nor can France defend Free Europe against Russia alone. We must be united with the USA against Russia and this requires the EU to join NATO now and we need to get this FTA with the USA done.


Stable Partnership with the United Kingdom

We lost the UK because of French policy priorities and the relation stays toxic because of French policy issues. This has to stop now. We need a stable partnership with a stable UK. Everything else is serving only Russian interests. Stop messing around with the EU UK relations. We need the UK to stay as close as possible to the EU and stop drifting apart. Minor sacrifices on our side are part of the game. And French Anti Albion populism is making everything much more complicated. We can afford to lose France as EU but we can not afford daily toxic media battles for some fish.


The new EU enlargement methodology – starting with the Euro adoption

France blocked EU enlargement now for a decade since 2013 Croatian accession. It is galling and has to stop. We need the 3 NATO Allies in EU in 2024 if they adopt the Euro. First the Euro, then NATO and then EU. Only NATO Allies to join EU. So, France to be clear: If Albania and North Macedonia adopt the Euro now they can join the EU together with Montenegro which meets all 3 key criteria, the Euro adopted, NATO Ally and CFSP – Common Foreign and Security Policy. And Serbia and Bosnia can get the Euro as well if they recognize the Republic of Kosovo. So, all 3 Bosnia, Serbia and Kosovo can join EU in 2029 if they join NATO first and comply with EU CFSP. And Ukraine, Moldova and Georgia shall adopt the Euro now, as they comply with EU CFSP so the EU can grant EU Potential Candidate Status for all 3 and Ukraine and Georgia can join CEFTA and RCC. The Euro first for all 9 countries if they comply with CFSP as Montenegro and Kosovo have done in 2002 is the best policy for stability and faster convergence of the members of the 3rd wave of EU enlargement. If you do not fancy to stay in EU of 36 or 37, fine please leave.


France, stop appeasement of Russia and Serbia

France has a strange fascination with aggressor states and is promoting appeasement of Russian and Serbian aggression. This has to stop. We cannot build a political union if one key partner prefers to deal with Moscow above the heads of Central and Eastern Europe allies and with Belgrade over the heads of the Balkan allies. France has inherited her foreign policy from a long-gone Imperial past, which was never so glorious in last century, anyhow. And it is fully outdated in an EU of common values, principle and policies. Facts can not be denied. Russia has attacked Ukraine and Georgia and is occupying 5 regions of Ukraine, Moldova and Georgia. Serbia has attacked Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia and Kosovo and is continuing to undermine their statehood in case of Bosnia and Montenegro and is denied to recognize the statehood of Kosovo – a country France has recognized. We need to confront Serbia and Russia. We need to live our values. France is lost in her imperial past of historic links to Russia and Serbia based on the pre-NATO pro EU world which is no longer reality. Or do you need Russia and Serbia as counterbalance to Germany power threatening France? If this is the rational why France is in NATO and EU and the Eurozone with Germany? If the Central European Members and Allies from Croatia to Estonia, Poland to Bulgaria do not matter for France and only Russia and Serbia matter, well France cannot stay in the EU and NATO then. Join Russian led CSTO the Anti-NATO and join the Russian led EAEU Eurasian Union if you believe his Moscow and Belgrade and their current leadership.


France, cede the UN Security Council Seat to EU

France is a UN Veto power on which basis? Population, economic weight, nuclear power, victory in World War 2, ability and will to project power for peace, ability and will to implement global rules and leadership in global good governance? In a world of 8 billion people and 91 trillion GDP how can France claim a veto right on world affairs? And as we are a Political Union in the EU with 450 Million and 15 Trillion GDP we have the weight, size and claim to such a role on world affairs but France alone lacks all such qualifications. It is time to cede the UNO Security Seat to the EU and so start a process of reform of the UN, long overdue.


Open Europe – the missing 10 FTAs France blocks

France has taken the EU hostage to her agriculture protectionism and anti-trade agenda. It is France fault we lack 10 major FTA from USA, Mercosur, African Union, ASEAN, India, Indonesia, Pakistan, Uzbekistan, Australia, New Zealand. We are much poorer and the world is worse off due to French protectionism imposed on all 450 Million Europeans for the few rich farmers and the French toxic coalition of nationalist right and extreme left corning their political system and indirectly the European Union. This has to stop. The World needs more trade now, regulated well via the WTO and via EU FTAs and if France continues to block this, better leave and we will build a better, freer and richer world without you.


European France, let us unite Europe, free and fair, and be the pillar of EU, NATO and Euro

Please France, change or leave. We do not need a France, half in and half out, blocking everything. We need the EU and we can do it without France. Step aside for a decade if you need the pain of decline and join in in the 2030s and you are welcome back anytime but let us open, enlarge and reform the EU into a much stronger, more open, richer and more successful EU and if you do not want to be part of such a Political Union better leave now. Better though, France, stay and reform, change and open up to the World and the EU and be the European France we all want, need and hope for and let us build a better Europe together.


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