#France fully responsible for its nuclear crimes in #Algeria.
French nuclear tests harmed the environment and people in southern Algeria, and birth defects appeared on a large scale in the Algerian desert areas that witnessed the tests.
However, the French authorities underestimated the popular and even political reaction, through the French intelligence's promotion of the clean bomb myth, which convinced even the French experts, technicians, and military who worked at the test sites.
The “Army” magazine (published by the Algerian Ministry of Defense) said in 2010 that 150 Algerians were used as lab rats in the first bombing, as they were hung on poles in the vicinity of the experiment to study the effect of radiation on humans.
- in 2013, it became clear that the nuclear fallout extended over large areas from the African Sahel region to West and Central Africa, the radiation reached Senegal, Chad, Central Africa and Mauritania after four days of the experiments, while Mali arrived less than 24 hours after the bombing.
The first French nuclear test in Algeria was called the "Blue Gerbil", and it took place on February 13, 1960 under the direct supervision of then-French President Charles de Gaulle.
The intensity of the explosion on the surface of the earth was five times that of the Hiroshima bomb
France has recognized four experiments in the Reggane region in the state of Bechar and 13 in Ain Ekre in the state of Tamanrasset in southern Algeria, but the researcher and professor of nuclear physics and chemistry at the University of Oran Kazem al-Aboudi (author of the book “Raqan springs”) stated that France conducted 57 nuclear tests in Algeria, and that the zero region Between one explosion and another, the distance was less than 150 km, which made the atmosphere saturated with nuclear radiation.
Despite the independence of Algeria and the repeated condemnations of the experiments by the interim Algerian government, the Evian Accords - which were signed between Algeria and France after negotiations between 1960 and 1962 - included secret provisions that allow France the possibility of continuing to exploit nuclear sites for periods ranging from five years (Reggane) to twenty years (base Missiles in Colombe Bashar).
France continued to conduct its nuclear experiments and research until the middle of 1966, and then transferred the components of the nuclear program to the French islands in the Atlantic and the Pacific Ocean.
In all, between 27,000 and 60,000 people from the communities surrounding the test sites were affected, citing various French and Algerian estimates