Framework of an ideal Influencer

Framework of an ideal Influencer

Hey there?

If you've been following me for a while, you're probably pretty sure that I want to highlight products that my team and I have actually tried and tested.

And if you are reading this for the first time, let me introduce you to the UBC- Unique Business Concepts that I often write through these #LinkedIn newsletters.

Today there is an outburst of information but there is a sense of doubt also with so much information.

??The question is what is the authenticity of all such information?

?? Who or what are the sources and how genuine are they?

?? And then we go to the loop of conformity - trying to find out other people who had either tested or experienced the same and got some results.

Well, I do that job to ease your long search, & compile them in easily implementable short steps. I also stand to support the questions and doubts that you may have to the best of my conscience.

The current topic is very much needed for all those unorganized small and medium business that is mushrooming out #post pandemic. These are #startups, #freelancers and #sme sectors.

If you are one of them then this is an ideal read for the next few mins.

This message is for all one-man companies, startups, and also for full-fledged company barons.?

These 07 points are designed as a framework that would help your productivity and quality many times. ????

07 Framework that Really Works??


????? Don’t read any book - choose your book wisely to design your destiny nicely

????? Courses and lessons from the wise in your industry or area of interest?

????? Be clear on what you read and what you need to absorb

????? Read to?

????????1. ideate / inculcate

????????2. implement?

????????3. improvise

????????4. infuse and initiate ideal information???


??? In today's world Videos are the best sources of Communication {Read here about my UCLA structure that's a Unique Communication Language for the Advanced}

??? I strongly believe in Planner communication which should have some prominent call to action and not just a motivation that leads to nothingness

??? Communication is not just what you talk or think but what makes the system smoother around and a happy world for all.?


? Articles to write make you immortal

? SMM - social media is a great way to keep your insights and views that will be there forever to showcase your individuality?

? Book - you can also write books for the same reason and be a source of inspiration or motivation for many.


? What you add to your life defines your choices in life?

? It helps in your present and also affects your destiny.

? Questions to ask?

????????1. How is it helping me now

????????2. How is life without the same?

????????3. What additional things are needed to acquire the same?

????????4. How is it going to help me in future

????????5. What vital areas of my life can be represented by this purchase or acquisition?


? Research is one of the most neglected departments in the business. But this is one of the most powerful areas that can help start or scale up any business from its present state to an excellent state

????????1. Finding new markets for your product and services

????????2. Finding new network /connect?

????????3. New software / processes / innovation etc

????????4. New techniques or technology etc


? The word “Self-made millionaire” is a misnomer.? You need a team of like-minded people who are ready to march in your direction or vision?

? This is what I say, “You build the team, the Team builds the business and the business takes care of all.”

? Spend time monitoring the KPI through reporting??

? Measure your team's progress with empathy?

PRO TIP - In my company - the only punishment is back to training and learning?


? Ideas are precursors of solutions

? Solutions are the only way to buy into others’ problems?

? When other people look towards you as a solution provider you gain the authority and credibility??

? Remember it all starts with an Idea hence you must follow the most prominent method of generating ideas - I created an autonomous program called Dumb Mastery to help you ideate 10 ideas in less than 10 mins.

Here is the link for you to learn.????????

?Other prominent ideas are

1. Ask/ Pose inquiries: allow people to ask as they are curious individuals.

2. Write Down Your Thoughts: People that are creative maintain lists and notes.

3. Think Associatively: Associative thinking produces a lot of thoughts.


These 07 points are the sure-shot way to uplift your present state.

Here we have a limited area to express my points and if you are someone who has read so far and feels there are areas that need more clarity you can connect with me at [email protected] and my team can help you with the needful.

Here is a small gift {My Autobiography} for you for reading till the end - I hope you like it {Do connect with me}

Read About my life’s struggle in this Autobiography. Let me know how did you like it?







