#FrameItFriday (week 39 season 3)

#FrameItFriday (week 39 season 3)

#FrameItFriday (week 39, season 3)

The winner winner but for a print, not a chicken dinner from last week's contest is...............drum roll please........ is @Cleve Grover! Woo hoo! Congratulations Cleve, check your inbox for a message from me shortly! Thanks to everyone who shared, liked and commented on the blog, heck thanks to any one of you who like, share, comment on any of my work on this page, I am grateful.

Today I have the privilege of shooting an intimate backyard wedding, you know the 2020 popular covid friendly way of getting hitched. I'm looking forward to it because it's shaping up to be a stellar weather day! In fact, I believe this whole weekend is supposed to be nice (if you're in our neck of the woods that is).

I just love fall and I believe a lot of you will agree with me. In fact I believe that this weekend is PRIME for fall colour exploring to the north up Algonquin Park way. That location brings people in MASSES to the park, it's actually quite insane to see or hear reports of the traffic heading through the park. I actually despise the cars, people and traffic insanity. SOOOOOOOO I can't stress it enough to you all on here that if you are planning on taking a trip up to Algonquin Park this weekend to see the fall colours you MUST book online for a permit and only so many permits will be issued and then they will "close the park" so to speak. If you go up without a permit you won't get in. Seriously, you won't.

Anyhow, as much as we all love it there and how beautiful it is during this season there are plenty of other places and routes to travel to view the fall colours. Here's one link that pops up if you google "fall colour drives in Ontario". https://todoontario.com/ontario-fall-colours-road-trips.../

Please keep in mind that some of these search results may NOT be updated to covid standards so it's best to check the direct source of some of the places they suggest to make sure you can get out and walk about to see the colours or if it's just drive-thru viewing. Keep in mind, traffic could be a bit crazy as well especially on a weekend.

Why am I telling you all this fall stuff?

A) duh, who doesn't love fall?

2) just trying to help my fellow fall freaks out

iii) I've been there, done that and wore the t-shirt (Algonquin that is)

FOUR) It's covid times, we have to play it safe

E) I'm filling my blog with Fall stuff until I can tell you my surprise in a few weeks time or maybe sooner. Not sure when, but soonerish.

All righty then, I gotta go get ready. I can't wait to see the bride (ok and the groom too). Should be fun. Have an amazing weekend!

Peace, love and kumbaya,


P.S-The photo I posted here has absolutely diddly squat to do with fall and leaves. Although it's kind of a fall flower bouquet that I took a photo of before they all die. Just sayin'.

#PhotoBlog #FallTime #Autumn #Leaves #FreshAir #OntarioFallColourTours #HeatherCardlePhotographer


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