#FrameItFriday (week 18 season 6)
#FrameItFriday (week 18 season 6)
We interrupt this week's blog to inform you of the possibility of this place being torn down. The most photographed house in Canada! If you've followed me these past 11 years you've seen the many photos I've taken of this place. It's been a over 4 years since I've driven past this beauty (Covid, moving to the other side of the province, etc). Yesterday I received 2 private messages about the Guyitt Home that it is to be torn down! My heart is broken. It as quite the trek, even from Brantford to get to this beauty on highway 3. I only ever shot it from the road, there are eyes on it every single day to keep folks from exploring it. It's basically a facade now sadly. Folks would always comment on "how they'd fix it up" but it was so far gone inside it would cost a fortunate to restore it. Sadly it is destined for the wrecking ball. I'm grateful to have had the opportunity to capture it over the years but looking at the images brings me back to when I shot them and the feelings I had when I sat and stared at in all of it's beauty. I'm not going to lie, seeing this house made my heart soar.
Always. Take. The. Shot. there may be no next time.
Enjoy these images* and here's a link to the story online: https://lfpress.com/.../officials-wont-stop-wrecking-ball...
MORE PHOTOS HERE: *https://www.facebook.com/heathercardlephotographer
Peace, love and kumbaya,