#FrameItFriday (week 17 season 5)
#FrameItFriday (week 17 season 5)
Another week flashes by and yet another winter in Canada. Maybe it will start acting like Spring around here now, finally because all the wildlife is building nests, tending to nests, doing feed runs, etc. etc. What do I do? Well, I send my Canon 1DX and my 100-400mm lens in for a "spa" day to Canon Canada. It's not the brightest idea now is it? Beginning of nesting season and the birding lens is in the shop. Honestly, I've noticed that my lens and my camera have been in a power struggle for focus lately. It's letting me down. I don't nail every shot I take, trust me there's a numerous blurry ones amongst the acceptable sharp shots. So rather than go the whole season with this issue I sent the 2 in for some counselling and a spa day. At least they'll all come back squeaky clean and hopefully upgraded with better attitudes towards each other. I am not without camera though, I've got the 6D to play with along with my 70-200 lens that have been sitting gathering dust on the sidelines for a couple of years now. Other than the fact that I don't get in close enough with the 200mm lens (I'd physically move closer if it weren't for bodies of water in the way)I cannot believe how much I've missed my 6D. Specifically the feature I've missed most is the silent shutter on it. It purrs so softly like a sleepy kitty which is polar opposite to my 1DX that mimics the sound of an AK47 (ok, perhaps I'm embellishing that but it is loud, in "silent shutter" mode). I wrote a note to the tech at Canon asking "can we do something about that noise?" I'm not very optimistic about a fix on lowering the decibels on the shutter . It is "a thing" about my model camera.?
So, about this shot I took here, it's of the rookery down the road from me. There's at least 7 nests there and last year all of the nests were raided by a nasty Fisher Cat. Sadly, the glutton wiped out the entire population of baby herons/eggs in one night! He snuck up through the bottom of the nests. That's the story I was told. This year I was thrilled to see them back and to see both parents instead of just the mum was a rarity. Cue the 80km winds a few nights ago. I drove past yesterday and the place was a ghost town. I am hoping all the mamas stepped out for a coffee and returned but I somehow doubt that. I will have to check again next time I head down that way. Fingers crossed.?
With my primary camera away I feel like I did when I sent my kids off to sleepover camp years ago. I'm nervous and anxious for their return. Luckily I've got back up. Have a good weekend, hope it warms up for all of us here in Ontario!
Peace, love and kumbaya,
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