#FrameItFriday (week 14 season 6)

#FrameItFriday (week 14 season 6)

#FrameItFriday (week 14 season 6)

Thank you Mother Nature for FINALLY flipping on the bird channel. Also, my subscription to the Chipmunk channel got renewed. The Peepers symphony orchestra's tour bus should be rolling into town very soon. Any day now the Green Heron couple should be flapping their way up the road and hang a left down our driveway. Hummingbirds in a few week's time. The Osprey couple that live up the road are back! Papa Osprey appeared early and tidied the nest. He sat patiently for quite a few days until Mama showed up. The reunited couple hung out on the hydro wire chirping back and forth at each other. Now if it would just warm up a touch that would be swell. I've had my rubber boots on and have been rehearsing my walk in them as there is mud. The kayaks have appeared from the garage and are poised and ready to go. Our pond and creek have breeched the shoreline and it has creeped quite a ways up the hill towards our house (lucky we're up high enough). For any of you who are searching for that perfect waterfront property this is a good time to go look as you will quickly find out what a spring thaw does to your lawn (there's a few spots up the road that have impassable driveways due to flooding). Just sayin', the old Realtor in me is coming out.

So, happy Easter eh? Happy long weekend, happy Passover, happy whatever. I'm off to do a cottage wellness check for a friend.

Peace, love and kumbaya,


#HeatherCardlePhotographer #CanonGirl #KayakCameraGirl #PhotoBlog


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