#FrameItFriday (week 10 season 3)

#FrameItFriday (week 10 season 3)

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#FrameItFriday (week 10, season 3)

Today's tip, don't wait for that perfect time of day when it comes to places such as this one. The photo on the left was taken in December 2019 and the photo on the right was taken just last week (February 2020). Although they've been taken from slightly different angles you can see how much the structure's roof has dropped. I hope it makes it through winter. I won't be able to get back up that way until November of this year, fingers crossed it still stands. It's stood there for at least 150 years I'm guessing. I drive past places like this all the time and make a mental note to get a shot of it "next time I'm there". Sometimes there's no "next time" and sadly I've found those places collapsed in a heap, burnt down or just bulldozed and I kick myself for not taking a picture when I first laid eyes on it. That's all I gotta say about that.

A warmest of welcomes to my newest followers! Just so you know, I've been doing this picture a day thing for 9 years now. The "why" of why I do it began as a healing tool for a bunch of crappy stuff that went on in my life a number of years ago. I've always enjoyed photography and taking pictures but I plunged full time back in 2011. Until the day arrives and I can no longer hoist my camera up to shoot I plan on continuing. I've had some inquiries about who takes the photos I post here....well....unless mentioned, all shots have been taken by me and my Canon 1DX. For the record, I shoot in manual mode. Even if I wanted to shoot in auto (which I don't, it's a control thing lol) my camera has no such setting (ok, it has auto focus-which I use and auto ISO-which I do not use).

Also (pay attention now because this is important)...all of the images you see here are available for purchase (I will post my prices below). The proceeds from the sales of my work go towards keeping a roof over my head and my car on the road. I have a website ( https://www.heathercardle.com ) that I try and keep up to date monthly. I have yet to set up the store part of my website partly because it costs me more money to activate it and I prefer to use my own people for prints and canvasses. I'd rather be out shooting than messing around with technology night and day. I'm a simple person. Kind of.

When I'm not out shooting inventory for my #ChickPicotheDay I also earn my keep by shooting events, headshots, houses for Realtors, family shots, engagements and babies & weddings (occasionally). Like my pictures of the day, I'm all over the map so to speak. I do have an in-home studio that I hope to relocate to another spot on our property within the next year or so.

We have a cat (in case you hadn't noticed). I sometimes post photos of her on here, so be prepared. Her name is Stella and she's named after the beer. She's a cute little diva and enjoys posing for split seconds when her bowl is empty and she wants it filled.

I live happily in Brantford, Ontario, Canada and about 5 times a year I spend up at #StudioNorth (our cottage located on Baptiste Lake just outside of Bancroft, Ontario also in Canada). I enjoy long walks on the beach....wait that sounds like a dating profile line.....I'm happily married to Paul (who is a shutter-bug as well). <3

Occasionally I post videos on my YouTube channel which is here: https://www.youtube.com/user/heathercards/videos?view_as=subscriber I'm also on Instagram here: https://www.instagram.com/heathercards/ you can also find me on LinkedIn, 500px, Flickr, Vero and Twitter.

Finally, whether I like it or not, I post a weekly blog called #FrameItFriday which you can follow on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn and my website. Keep on sharing, liking and commenting! I love hearing from you all.

Geesh, for someone with little to say today I sure wrote a lot. Thanks for reading this far and have a great weekend!!!

Peace, love and kumbaya,


#PhotoBlog #CanonGirl #ShotOnCanon #TeamCanon #HeatherCardlePhotographer


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