#FrameItFriday (week 10, season 3)
#FrameItFriday (week 10, season 3)
Well holy my moly a week into March already, hours away from Spring Break (for the kiddies, the educators and possibly the parents lol) and we lose an hour's sleep come this Saturday night. Pretty busy weekend eh?
Tonight/late this afternoon I shoot my first wedding of the year and in spite of not being the bride, I've got butterflies in me belly. I must confess I always do prior to events such as this. Once I get the ball rolling though I'll be fine. Fingers crossed.
So what's up with the photo I posted here eh? It looks like I scraped it with some kind of tiler's tool. I managed to "salvage" it in post. I just slid up all the exposure to the max and wowzers will you look at that.....it's Matthew Good from his show at the Sanderson Centre last night!
Most of the time when you shoot shows like this, the artist or the artist's people say how long you have to shoot for during the show. Most times it's first 3 songs and that was the case for Matthew's show....I was a bit flustered when he came out and sang the 1st song in the dark (it is his show so he can do what he wants and it was pretty cool)but for me, shooting in the dark....not so swell...so don't tell Matthew ;) but I shot the 4th song as well. The lighting got a bit better thankfully. His show? Outstanding!
For the Jann Arden show we could shoot 2nd,3rd and 4th songs but from behind sound board, which is further away from the stage than I'm used to for sure. That meant kneeling on the concrete floor to shoot (so as not to block the patron's view of the show). It took me until about the 10th song of Jann's before I could even get off my knees I was so stiff lol.
Lastly, at wtfest.ca a few years back (a day long festival of top notch acts) we were permitted to shoot the first 3 songs of each artist/band appearing on the MainStage throughout the day. It was insanely hot and dusty (a camera's mortal enemy) and (sorry organizers) but it was archaic the way we had to gain access to the pit in front of the stage. By the time the headliner came on I was done like dinner. My feet were killing me and were filthy dirty. The smart shooters showed up for the headliners only, they were freshly showered and raring to go. I could barely lift my camera I was so tired. Us photogs shuffled like cattle into the pit and crammed ourselves in like sardines waiting patiently for the show to begin. After all those hours and all those steps we were barely into the first song when we were evacuated out of the pit. The rambunctious audience had crushed forward and the barricades separating them and us from the stage were about to topple over and we were about to be trampled. Whatever shots we had thus far would have to do after all of those hours waiting. C'est la vie.
So....that's a little bit of BTS (behind the scenes) for you this week. Have a groovy weekend, a wonderful and safe Spring Break (if you're celebrating that is). As always feel free to like, share, comment on my blog and follow me here.
Peace, love and kumbaya
#CanonGirl #ShotOnCanon #BrantfordPhotographer #PhotoBlog #HeatherCardlePhotographer