#FrameItFriday (season 7)
#FrameItFriday (season 7)Holy Poppy fields! This was taken by me about 10 years ago just outside of Delhi, Ontario. I think someone in the camera club I was in told me about it (was it you Pete?). In the heart of tobacco country just beside the farmer's house sat this field of blue spruce and scattered amongst the spruce were poppies, poppies, poppies, poppies for as far as the eye could see. What an incredible sight it was, yes I said was. For a few years after this shot I'd make an annual pilgrimage to this spot and try and capture it again the way it appeared to me on this first shot I'd ever taken of it. I must have hit it at its peak, it never looked the same way again sadly. It had been taken over by the ever growing spruce and weeds. So what's that tell you? Something I've always mentioned to you all throughout the years...."take the shot", always take the shot. If you don't it could be gone the next time you pass by it. Just sayin'. Have a great weekend and STAY WARM!!!
Peace, love and kumbaya,Heather
#PhotoStories2024 #PhotoBlog #Blog #HeatherCardlePhotographer #Poppies